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这就是天意!I was just leering.

但凭天意,真教大行其道,和平。Inshallah, true religion prevails . Peace.

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在接下来的13天中,也许我们将会发现其中的天意吧!Over the next 13 days, perhaps we’ll find out!

我本来希望出国留学,但天意弄人难如愿。I hoped to study abroad, but fate had decided otherwise.

好吧,科西嘉先生,我就算这是天意吧。Well, amiable Corsican, let us suppose it is providence.

但天意并没有让他屠杀自己的人民。But divine will did not tell him to massacre his own people.

两人的命运必须互相凭倚,才得平衡,这种妙用,天意使然,高深莫测!Oh, unfathomable and divine mystery of the balances of destiny!

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我可不想欠任何人任何东西。也许这就是天意吧。Maybe the cancelation of this concert is not a bad thing for me.

他们幸免于空难似乎是天意。It seemed like providence that they had survived the plane crash.

天意让那片最后的藤叶留在那里,证明我是多么坏。Something has made that last leaf stay there to show me how wicked I was.

天意阻止了他因良心谴责而自杀。An act of providence had prevented him from having a death on his conscience.

这时人们相信亚瑟称王是天意。Now people were convinced that Authur was pointed out by Heaven as their king.

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然而,这场本应是顺乎天意民愿的变法最终以失败而结束。However, this reform ends in failure which is supposed to be a public act of God.

本人此时受聘于北京中大天意药业有限公司,负责清旋降压片产品的营销工作。The company employed me that time, and I charged for selling of hypertension pill.

视她为风景的人,永远不得亲见她的日常。残酷的天意。It is a cruel lot that he who enjoys her as a scenery will never enjoy her everyday.

但这种责任被认为是天意所归或传统所定。However, this obligation was believed to come from divine commandment or from tradition.

我整日期盼与你多待一分钟,但天意难违,命该如此。I wait all day just hoping for one more minute with you, but if has meat to be, it will be.

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典型全神论者可能信仰耶稣、印度神,甚至还有飞天意粉怪教。A typical Alltheist may believe in Jesus, Hindu gods, and even the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

仿若冥冥中的天意,那个一直在她臆测中的女子给他打了个骚扰电话。Like somewhere in heaven, that kept her conjecture in the woman gave him a telephone harassment.

始终信奉“天道酬勤”的中国成语,“天意厚报那些勤劳、勤奋的人”。Always preached-that "god" of Chinese idioms, "god thick cable those industrious, diligent person".