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你必须把铸件的表面弄光滑。You must face off the casting.

压铸件广泛用于汽车工业。Die-casts are used in auto industry widely.

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这些铸件都没有缩孔缺陷。None of these casting have shrinkage defects.

树脂砂铸件是我公司的主要产品。The resin sand castings are our main products.

很适合于修理铜铸件。Also suitable for repair welding of cast bronzes.

适用于小型铸件砂型的捣固。It is also used in tamping small grinding castings.

适合中、大型铸件,避免撞伤。For medium-and large-sized castings, avoid collision.

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连杆为合金钢铸件,十字头为球墨铸铁。Connection rod and crass head is alloy-casting pieces.

铸件和木材模式的金格里四爪卡盘。Castings and wood patterns for the Gingery 4-jaw chuck.

这是所有编造的建设没有铸件使用。It is of all fabricated construction with no castings use.

下壳体采用铝合金铸件,体积小、重量轻、结构精巧、外形美观。Filter vessel is die-cast in aluminum alloy and steel rolling.

这里描述的节气门体组件使用的铝铸件。Throttle Body Assemblies described here use an aluminum casting.

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这是所有编造的建设与没有使用的铸件。It is of all fabricated construction with no castings used in it.

浇不足是焦炉炉门铸件常见铸造缺陷。Misrun is the common defects found in oven door castings process.

这个铸件的浇注系统一点也不复杂。The gating system of theis casting is far from being complicated.

制订出合理的铸造工艺,实践证明,该工艺能够保证铸件的质量。The result shows that it could ensure the quality of the casting.

它能制造没有拔模斜度和缝脊的复杂形状铸件。This can make complex shaped castings without any draft or flash.

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用离心铸造方法生产辊类铸件的主要缺陷是裂纹。Cracking is the main defect of roller castings cast centrifugally.

用离心铸造方法生产辊类铸件的主要缺陷是裂纹。Cracking is the main defect of roller castings east centrifugally.

本公司主要生产缸、泵、阀液压件铸件。Our main products is castings used in cylinder , pump and valve etc.