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黄山有三个主峰。Mount Huangshan has three main peaks.

老君山在神农架主峰东北。Laojunshan Shennongjia in the north-east peak.

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白雪皑皑的主峰高耸在群峦之上。The snowy main peak towers above all the others.

癌组织的主峰波长较正常组织向红光侧移动。The main peak wavelength of cancer moved to the red.

最后他们到达海拔4300米的主峰。Finally they reached its main peak4300 metres above sea- level.

九道湾大峡谷东起密云水库,西起云蒙山主峰。East nine bay Grand Canyon Miyun Reservoir, west Yunmeng prominent peak.

此中心主峰值和两个副峰值对于轨道跟踪机构很是重要。The main central peak and two side peaks are important in the tracking mechanism.

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金佛山主峰高2251米,山势陡峭,气象万千。The main peak of the Jinfo Mountain is 2251 meters high, precipitous and spectacular.

仰天山在青州城西南46公里处,主峰海拔834米。Heaven Hill 46 kilometers southwest of the Qingzhou Cheng, peak elevation of 834 meters.

如果你登上主峰老佛顶,便是对你肉体与精神的淬炼。If you board the main peak of the old Buddha head is on your body and spirit experience.

耸立在县境北部的大鄣山,主峰鼓尖海拔1630米为最高点。The highest summit of Dazhangshan Mountain in the north is 1630 meters high above sea level.

在你们的右边是黄山三大主峰的天都峰,最陡的一座山峰。On your right is Tiandu Feng, one of the three main peaks of Huangshan and also the steepest.

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玉山山脉由玉山主峰、北峰、东峰等11峰构成玉山群峰。The 11 peaks in the Jade Mountains also include Mt. Jade Main Peak, North Peak and East Peak.

它发源于青藏高原唐古拉山的主峰各拉丹冬雪山。It originated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Tanggula the main peak of the bin Laden winter snow.

福建省的最高峰为武夷山主峰黄冈峰,海拔2157米。The highest point of Fujian is Huanggang Peak in the Wuyi Mountains, with an altitude of 2157 m.

玉龙雪山耸立于丽江纳西族自治县城西北的金沙江畔,主峰海拔5596米,迄今为止还是一座处女峰。Mount Yulong is located at the side of Jinsha River in the northwest of Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County.

位于即墨,东临黄海,为崂山北部支脉,主峰海拔223米。Is located in Jimo, east of the Yellow Sea, the northern offshoot of Laoshan, peak elevation of 223 meters.

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主峰陡峭,北高南低坡度较小,野草青藤横生,珍禽异兽常年栖息于此。Steep main peak, the North-South gradient smaller low, Sinomenine with weeds, Exotic perennial habitat here.

其主峰太平顶,海拔1027米,与泰山玉皇顶的直线距离为30公里。The main peak Taiping top, 1027 meters above sea level, and Tarzan Yuhuangding 30 km straight-line distance.

金灿灿的朝晖,渐渐染红了东方的天际,高高的黄山主峰被灿烂的云霞染成一片绯红。Golden sun, slowly reddened the eastern sky, the high peak of Mount Huangshan is bright clouds dyed a crimson.