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真理不怕人驳。Truth fears no refutation.

守着爱怕人笑,还怕人看清。Keep love, fear fear see smile.

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海豚并不怕人。Dolphins are not afraid of humans.

他的脊梁弯曲得怕人。The curvature of the spine was astonishing.

为什么需要为害怕人人生判断天。Why the need for fear the human life judgment day.

他有什么事得罪了你,惹起这么怕人的仇恨?In what has he wronged you, to warrant this appalling hatred?

不怕虎狼当面做,就怕人前两面刀。Afraid to do afraid or, just before the two sides of the knife.

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“白天你也许没事,”她说,“但是到了晚上你最好小心一点,特兰西瓦尼亚是个怕人的地方,随时会有不测的事情发生。”But at night you had better be careful. Transylvania is a scary place.

这小姑娘胆子特别小,怕人。The little girl is as timid as a hare, shy in the presence of strangers.

文祥最怕人喋喋不休,连忙打断他。"What can I do?" Wen Xiang disliked pointless chatter and quickly interrupted him.

你可以冒交通危险穿过去,或者你可以走地道,不过那里很臭也很怕人。You can risk the traffic or you can use the underpass smelly and horrible though it is.

现代城市是由大得怕人的大厦和充斥着难闻的汽油味所组成。The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark narrow streets full of petrol fumes.

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在外面遇到这种尴尬的事情,王皓肯定怕人认出来,怎么会大喊大叫?In the face of such outside embarrassed, Wang Hao definitely being recognized , how would shout?

如果机器真的像人一样思维,那么怕它们的理由就没有比怕人的理由多。If machines really thought as men do, there would be no more reson to fear them than to fear men.

衣冠楚楚的大麻烟客出入烟馆不再藏头露尾、怕人发现。Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint.

因为离得很近,他的脸显得很大,从下面望上去,丑陋得怕人。His face looked enormous because of its nearness , and hideously ugly because it was seen from below.

容德雷特对他女儿狠巴巴地瞪了一眼,同时怪怕人地耸了一下肩头。Jondrette darted an annihilating look at his daughter, accompanied by a formidable shrug of the shoulders.

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我是那满树的花儿,长在你必经的路旁,怕人寻问,咽泪装欢。I seem that the flowers, you will be in the searching long-street, to avoid being asked, pharynx with tears.

现在,冬去,春来,最怕人不来。还有什么比活着本身更重要的呢?。Now, the winter goes, spring comes, most shy does not come. What also has compared to live itself importantly?

他是一个胆小鬼,他作非法生意又怕人发现,当他发现那个人要杀他的时候。He is a coward. He does illegal business but afraid of people found it. When he found the guy want to kill him.