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鲁尼的跳水将我们置于死地。We lost to a Rooney dive.

她从高台跳板上跳水。She dived in off the high board.

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你尝试过跳台跳水吗?Did you ever try platform diving?

化学家跳水入沟。The chemist dived into the ditch.

跳水运动员从高跳板上跳水。The diver dived off the high board.

我是在玩悬崖跳水娱乐一番!I was cliff jumping. Recreationally!

我喜欢游泳,但是更喜欢跳水。I like swimming, but I prefer diving.

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孩子们在跳水板上逞能。Kids showing off on the diving board.

这不就成了十米高的跳水台了吗?。Isn't it the ten-meter diving platform?

跳水运动在跳水池中进行。Movement in the diving pool for diving.

跳水者在高台边上站稳。He leaped on to the platform with a thump.

她在花式跳水中得了最高分。She got the highest score in fancy diving.

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向前跳水是规定动作之一。Forward dive is one of the voluntary dives.

他跳水时,头撞在了池底。He dived in and hit his head on the bottom.

她打算尝试一个高难度的跳水动作。She's going to attempt a very difficult dive.

跳水者在高台边上站稳。The diver poised on the edge of the high board.

跳水时腿要伸直。When you dive, you must keep your legs straight.

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中国人习惯于统治跳水台。China's diving squad is used to ruling the board.

我们听到人们的击水声和跳水声。We heard the slap and plunge of people in the water.

尤其是制造业,都在跳水。Manufacturing, in particular, is plunging everywhere.