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好唔得闲噶一日。This is a busy day.

得闲来玩。Drop in when you are free.

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今天她不得闲。She has no time to spare today.

每天,他们都得闲调情。They made time, every day, for flirting.

原来,我买了儿张童话故事碟,得闲就给她放。Originally, I bought a fairy tale, might give her.

他们一刻也不得闲,总是在做着什么。They are not idle for a moment, but always doing something.

和家人度过了一个很棒的感恩节,周末观看足球赛,很得闲。Had a great Thanksgiving with my family and a relaxing weekend watching football.

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我觉得只有一只手得闲的时候是很难加糖到外卖饮料的。I felt that I cannot add sugar into the take-away drink which I only have one-hand free.

这位当母亲的成天周旋于缝这缝那、洗衣打扫、照看小孩,一刻不得闲。Between sewing, cleaning and raising her children, the mother was kept busy all day long.

那几个月,爸始终不知道真相,他热切地盼望自己快好起来,积极看病、吃药、做足疗,得闲也帮家里料理一些事。In these months Dad from beginning to end did not know the truth of his ill and eagerly yearned for turning better.

那几个月,爸始终不知道真相,他热切地盼望自己快好起来,积极看病、吃药、做足疗,得闲也帮家里料理一些事。In these months Dad from beginning to end did not know the truth of his ill and eagerly yearned for turnning better.

无论如何,在裁缝店水汽蒸腾的恶臭里,艾奇整天又裁又缝又熨又补再用海绵擦洗,一刻都不得闲。At any rate, Ikey toiled and snipped and basted and pressed and patched and sponged all day in the steamy fetor of a tailor-shop.