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黑龙江密山发现成年野生东北虎尸体。Dead Siberian tiger found in NE China.

东北虎是典型的林栖动物。The Manchurian tiger is the typical forests inhabit animal.

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东北虎属于国家一类保护动物。The Manchurian tiger is the First-grade State protection animal.

珲春国家级自然保护区是我国野生东北虎活动最频繁的地区。In HNNR, the most active tiger habitat in China, a bull was preyed in April 29.

这个至今未得到确诊的疾病看起来会影响东北虎在野外捕食的能力。The as-yet-unidentified disease seems to affect tigers' ability to hunt wild game.

德国埃伯斯瓦尔德的一家动物园内,一只东北虎在覆盖着积雪的笼子里打滚儿。Siberian tiger rolls in the snow in his enclosure at the zoo in Eberswalde, Germany.

德国埃伯斯瓦尔德的一家动物园内,一只东北虎在覆盖着积雪的笼子里打滚儿。A Siberian tiger rolls in the snow in his enclosure at the zoo in Eberswalde, Germany.

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在他2008年生日的时候,普京收到了一只2个月大的雌性东北虎作为礼物。Later in the year, Putin was given a 2-month-old female Siberian tiger for his birthday.

而今,郜树敏又走到了培养新人的路上,他需要时间来塑造一个崭新的东北虎。Now, Gao Min tree to have gone to foster a new way, he needs time to create a new tiger.

当日,西安秦岭野生动物园东北虎“洪洪”一胎产下的五只小虎满月。The quins given birth by a Siberian tiger named "Hong Hong" a month before were in good health.

图中东北虎是在沈阳房地产开幕典礼上被关在笼子里展出。A Siberian tiger lies in a cage during the opening ceremony of a real estate project in Shenyang.

TIGER东北虎创立于1992年,是中国有代表意义的第一奢侈品品牌。Since its creation in 1992, NE. TIGER has become a top-flight luxurious brand that represents China.

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经过东北虎馆时一对老虎正在交配,我第一次见老虎就逮找着这场景,真是好运气啊。One couple of tigers were mating when our bus passes them and we were quite lucky to catch the scene.

在东北虎的产仔行为中,躺卧行为和亲仔行为是雌虎产仔行为的两大组成部分。The data showed bedding and cub-canoodling behaviors were the major of Amur tiger reproductive activities.

东北虎是世界上最大的一种猫科动物,生长在俄罗斯东部以及中国和北朝鲜的部分地区。The Siberian tiger is the world's largest cat and lives in eastern Russia and parts of China and North Korea.

中国国际时装周在北京开幕,NE·TIGER东北虎品牌在开幕秀上展示了“清·旗袍”时装。Chinese local fashion brand NE TIGER opened this year's China Fashion Week in Beijing, with the theme of "Qipao".

这些东北虎中有很多因公路和铁路而与同伴隔绝,遭到隔离的老虎很难觅食。Many of these animals are isolated from one another by roads and railways, making it difficult for them to breed.

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最近死亡的是一只名叫Galya的10岁的雌性东北虎,WCS俄罗斯项目组已经跟踪研究它很久了。The most recent death was a 10-year-old female named Galya, which had long been tracked and studied by WCS Russia.

威胁东北虎种群生存的两个最主要因素是捕猎、生境丧失和破碎化。The primary causes for the decline of the tiger population were poaching, habitat loss, and habitat fragmentation.

东北虎花纹美丽,毛色为鲜明的黄栗色,背上有24个黑条纹。It has beautiful veins, the color of whose feather is bright yellow maroon, and there are 24 black lists on its back.