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他嘱咐要谨慎行事。He enjoined caution.

医生嘱咐要严格规定饮食。The doctor enjoined a strict diet.

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他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。His last words still linger in our ears.

那么,Brassy医生是怎样嘱咐他的病人的呢?So what does Dr. Brassy tell his patients?

医生嘱咐要你吃软食。The doctor has ordered a soft diet for you.

“你最好快点!”老卡斯卡利安嘱咐露辛迪克。"You'd better be quick! " the Don told her.

嘱咐她要把一切的准备快快完成。Bid her therefore her selfe soon ready make.

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克察克临终前嘱咐泰山做什么?What did Kerchak ask Tarzan to do before he died?

又嘱咐他们,不要给他传名。And charged them that they should not make him known

他让男孩丢一颗石子到水中,并嘱咐男孩仔细观察石子所激起的水波纹。He told the boy to watch the circles created by the stone.

只有信主,深信祂,直到你明白祂的旨意和嘱咐。Just trust, and trust, and trust, until His will you know.

风湿痛刚一减轻,医生就嘱咐病人停止服药。No sooner had the patient taken the drug than she vomited.

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当青草在河岸滋长的时候,她嘱咐我要轻松的去生活。She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs.

医生嘱咐她每天浸泡扭伤的足踝两次。The doctor told her to bathe her twisted ankle twice a day.

我只是喊回去告诉他我确实想死,还嘱咐他一定要听我的故事。And I yelled back for him to be sure and listen to the tape.

这些事你要嘱咐她们,叫她们无可指责。And these things give in charge, that they may be blameless.

Blanco州长应该嘱咐布什总统它需要7000张床,200艘皮艇和第82空降师么?Should Blanco have told Bush she needed 7,000 cots? 200 boats?

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兵丁受了银钱,就照所嘱咐他们的去行。So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed.

耶稣再三的嘱咐他们,不要把他显露出来。And he straitly charged them that they should not make him known.

厉星晨将萧岚推到一边,嘱咐她当心。Shirley stars push xiao LAN to one side, and charged her be careful.