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我们必须把房子收拾停当,以期我们的客人随时入住。We must get the house ready for our guests.

我把自己的一生都安排停当了。I've put my entire life into apple-pie order.

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当她装扮停当赶到时,看上去俨然是一位贵妇人。When she was dressed to look like, is a lady.

收拾停当的大车停在院子里。The loaded waggons were standing in the courtyard.

比如研究厨房刀具和准备停当的罐子烤鸡。Things like kitchen knives and well prepared pot roasts.

为两种虚假二分法登台的舞台已经准备停当。The ground is already being prepared for two bogus dichotomies.

这会引导女孩们把自己准备停当,向成年男人投怀送抱。This can lead to girls being prepped for sexual advances from men.

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一切准备停当,要去接新娘了。After all the preparation, we started the trip to the bride's home.

她拼命干活以便惠临点时把一切都筹备停当。She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o'clock.

待一切收拾停当,鼹鼠不开心地坐在船上,浑身湿漉漉的,非常可怜。When all was ready again, the unhappy Mole sat in the boat very wet and very miserable.

阿莫鲁索也没有准备停当,他的双腿需要更多练习。卡福也不能出场。Amoroso isn't ready yet as he needs some more work in his legs, Cafu isn't available either.

我们安排停当,等你明天进来一声令下,就去杀死那些陌生的白人。When you come in tomorrow we will be ready for the word from you to kill the strange white men.

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终于,箱子都打点停当,大家互相道别,柯林斯先生少不了说一大串话。At last the boxes were packed, and the goodbyes over, not without a long speech from Mr Collins.

她看了我一眼,迟疑了片刻,拿起话筒并且轻声地把下午照看孩子的事安排停当。She holds my gaze and, after a pause, picks up and quietly confirms childcare arrangements for the afternoon.

还有,敬请大家相告每一个朋友。我们会把现场的灯光、音响、以及舞池全部准备停当。Also just to let everyone know we are working on making the lighting, sound, and dance floor better this week.

莫甘娜收拾停当、带上匕首,准备出城去见莫格斯,却被梅林误认为是去杀乌瑟王。Morgana ready, take knife, ready to out of the city to see mo, who has been mistaken for merlin to kill king uther.

一切准备停当后,他们扬帆出海了。经过昼夜不停的航行,他们终于找到了金屋国王管辖的领地。Then they sailed across the sea, and sailed on until they came to the city where the Princess of the Golden Roof lived.

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于是,到船长的捕鲸队准备停当的时候,几艘其他的捕鲸船也正要出发了。so that, by the time the captain's party was ready to sail, there were several other whaling vessels on the point of starting.

游行,集会,阅兵,报告,蜡像,展览,电影片儿,电幕节目——所有这些全都得准备停当。Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized.

穿戴停当后,我久久地坐在窗边,眺望着静谧的庭园和银色的田野,连自己也不知道在等待着什么。When dressed, I sat a long time by the window looking out over the silent grounds and silvered fields and waiting for I knew not what.