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注脚列在书页下端。A footnote is made at the bottom of the page.

参考资料可以在注脚或文章末端标明。References may be either footnoted or endnoted.

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我文章中的数目字指的是注脚。The numbers in my article refer to the footnotes.

我文章中的数目字指的是注脚。Thee numbers in my article refer to the footnotes.

但是这只会是一个有趣的注脚。But this is just going to be an interesting footnote.

务必要记得,在引用不同论点和证据时,要加上注脚。Be sure to footnote both argument and evidentiary citations.

检查注脚,引言和发音是否用了正确形式。D. Check for proper form on footnotes, quotes, and punctuation.

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没有用合适的注脚格式会降低你的绩分。Failure to use appropriate footnote formatting will lower your grade.

经历过七年的高速增长之后,现在这个时候或许正是“快时尚”产业的最佳注脚。It is just time, after seven wild years, to say Basta! to fast fashion.

要赏析高度现代主义时期的格律诗,只能依赖篇幅冗长的注脚。The poems of the canonical poets of high modernism require heavy footnotes.

正如怀特海说,哲学是柏拉图的一系列注脚。As Alfred North Whitehead said, philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato.

对于最新这轮欧洲闹剧来说,这是个极为恰当的注脚。The Italian proverb is a sadly apt footnote to the latest round of European shenanigans.

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报告书所引用的数据及参考统计资料,均须在注脚或参考书目上说明出处。Data sources and other relevant references should be mentioned in footnotes or in the bibliography.

今后的页脚不再是注脚那么简单,他已经变成设计的有机组成部分。The footers of tomorrow will be less of an after-thought and more of an integral part of the design.

但是,尽管有“记者的直觉”可以依靠,他也没有为他的见闻提供更好的注脚。And he fails to provide footnotes to his sources, despite relying simply on his “journalist's instincts”.

于是以农村家庭暴力为视角,笔者妄而作一注脚,以有此文。So the rural domestic violence perspective, I make a jump to the footnotes in order to have this article.

医学科技论文的写作格式及内容应包括文题、作者单位和注脚、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献六部分。The form and content should contain the topic, name of the author's unit as well as the footnote, abstract.

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注脚依应用顺序编号,编号标于相关文右上角以备参阅。Number the footnotes in order and put the numbers on the upper right corner of the related words or sentences.

在所有这些关于喜怒哀乐、斗争奋起的故事之后,上面引述的这句话就是老者对自己一生的注脚。And after all the stories about the struggles, joys, pains, and thrills, that was his proclaimation over it all.

尼莫拉牧师的这番陈辞,已成为大屠杀教训的传奇注脚。This statement, attributed to Pastor Niemoeller, has become a legendary expression of the lesson of the Holocaust.