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但是资本主义呢?But what about capitalism?

中国是国家资本主义。China is state-capitalist.

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这是资本主义走到尽头了。This is the end of capitalism.

无摩擦资本主义是什么?。What is friction-free capitalism?

火鸡,诸多禽类里的一种,实实在在的代表了资本主义费城的价值观。Truly, a one-per-cent kind of bird.

中国是超级资本主义暴政。China is a ultra-capitalist tyranny.

并非所有的资本主义都“生而平等”。Not all capitalisms are created equal.

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但是他表示社会主义并非资本主义。But, he says, socialism is not capitalism.

它是资本主义最坚强的支柱。It is the strongest bulwark of capitalism.

今天不乏反资本主义。There is no lack of anti-capitalism today.

它们是资本主义的精神危机They are crises of the ethos of capitalism.

马克思欢迎资本主义的自我毁灭。Marx welcomed capitalism's self-destruction.

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然而,你却无法想像资本主义的末日。But you cannot imagine the end of capitalism.

现在资本主义的国家有如惊弓之鸟。Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands.

我们需要的是更好的资本主义模式。What we need is a better version of capitalism.

工会以福利资本主义为其奋斗目标。The union is oriented towards welfare capitalism.

中国以惊人的速度吃透了资本主义。China has learned capitalism at a staggering rate.

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俄罗斯的大城市如今毫不讳言资本主义。Russia's big cities are now unashamedly capitalist.

我们一定要从资本家手中拯救资本主义。We'll have to save capitalism from the capitalists.

但是“资本主义只是一个临时的阶段。Wu said. But “capitalism is only a temporary stage.