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你是兰博基尼的铁杆吗?Are you a big Lamborghini fan?

白令是一位铁杆无神论者。Bering was a confirmed atheist.

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我听说你是个铁杆球迷。I heard you are a die-hard soccer fan.

尤其是它的“铁杆”小狮子阿林。Especially its " iron lever " lionet A Lin.

他把铁杆锯成他需要的尺寸。He cut the iron pole to the size he wanted.

当然,她俩是铁杆老友,但大家都认为。Sure, they’re b.f.f.s, but we always thought

我这辈子一直是铁杆肉食者。I have been a hard-core meat eater all my life.

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重要的是我是格伦-霍德尔的铁杆粉丝。Main thing was that I was a big fan of Glenn Hoddle.

先知李海把神的话比喻成铁杆。The prophet Lehi compared the word of God to an iron rod.

苹果的产品策略让其铁杆用户感到十分困惑。Apple began to sow confusion among its loyal ranks of users.

作为一个铁杆电影迷,我看到过很多科幻影片。As a hard-core film geek, I've seen plenty of sci-fi posers.

南茜茜自学生时代便是梅茨棒球队的铁杆球迷。Nancy Seaver was a fixture at Mets Games in her school days.

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赛后,双方约60名铁杆球迷发生冲突。Some 60 die-hard fans from both clubs fought after the match.

他不久就成了保守党乡村俱乐部忠诚的铁杆成员。He soon became a reliable true-blue country club conservative.

两个都不支持,我是阿根廷队的铁杆球迷,你呢?Neither, I am a big fan of Argentina. What is your favorite team?

铁杆吃客坦然坐下并不急于下嘴,只微笑着看着远方。The customer wasn't anxious to eat but to stare into the distance.

其中之一是每支铁杆都采用了多功能杆底设计。One of them is iron each have adopted a multi-functional sole design.

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根据球场的情况,有些人甚至会带四支短铁杆。Some even carry four wedges, depending on the course they are playing.

作为传统单机游戏的铁杆玩家,我一向是避免玩休闲游戏的。As a hardcore traditional console gamer, I used to avoid casual gaming.

原因一,我是书呆子的铁杆粉丝,男人长得帅是不错,但聪明则是性感。First, I'm a total sucker for nerds. Pretty is nice, but smart is sexy.