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你喜欢奶油软糖吗?Do you like fudge?

那种奶油搅拌不成糊状。That cream won't beat.

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这简直是奶油片。This is cream on cream.

你能预定奶油馅点心么?。Can you reserve eclairs?

奶油加热便溶解。Butter liquefies in heat.

替考把奶油涂到面包上。We spread butter on bread.

奶油遇热变软。Butter softens in the heat.

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4个迷你派模涂上一层奶油。Butter 4 mini tartlet molds.

我也喜欢奶油点心。I love curds and whey , too.

我想试试奶油鸡丝汤。I'd try a chicken cream soup.

这种奶油未搅拌好。This cream doesn't beat well.

我要一杯咖啡和一份奶油面包卷。I'll have coffee and a brioche.

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一扇窗象奶油一样黄。One window is yellow as butter.

奶油在热天会变酸。The cream sours in hot weather.

这道火煺奶油冻是怎么做的?。And how is this ham mousse made?

请问你现在还喜欢你的奶油面包吗?Would you like your Twinkie now?

在煮的同时,倒入奶油搅拌。As it simmers, stir in the cream.

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三文鱼,莳萝,柠檬,奶油。Fresh salmon, dill, lemon, cream.

我也想吸吮你的奶油面包!I also want to suck your Twinkie!

番茄和奶油奶酪三明治。Tomato and Cream Cheese Sandwich.