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商店的橱窗里陈列的商品琳琅满目,熠熠生辉。Shop windows display of goods dazzling, brilliant.

治疗的产品琳琅满目,但疗效因人而异,用假发套来掩饰常被人一眼看穿。Treatment products full of beautiful things in eyes, but with a.

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小小的街边货摊代替了货物琳琅满目的商店橱窗。Tiny street-side market stalls replaced trinket-laden shop windows.

客人给请进了书房,那里各种钓鱼用具挂得琳琅满目。His visitor was shown into the study, where all the fishing tackle hung.

而靠墙的一条长桌上则摆满了琳琅满目的首饰。A long thin table against the front wall was covered with gorgeous jewelry.

在置地广场床上用品专区,笔者见到了琳琅满目的绣花凉席。At Landmark bedding zones, the author met a bewildering range embroider word.

那是个非常便利的所在,各种物品琳琅满目,还有美食广场。It was convenient, and had a lot of great stuff to look at, and a food court.

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在那些店里,你可能会看到琳琅满目的玻璃,这是威尼斯的名产呢。In those shops, you'll likely see lots of the glass that Venice is famous for.

岩内多石钟乳、石柱、石笋、石幔、石花,多彩多姿,琳琅满目。Rock, rocky Zhongru, columns, stalagmites , Shiman, stone flower, diverse, range.

我来到了一家饰品店,里面的东西琳琅满目,让我不知道买什么才好。I came to a jewelry store inside the dazzling things, so I do not know what to say to buy.

绣品店里,琳琅满目的潮绣品令他眼前一亮,一下子就吸引了他的目光。In embroidery shops, varieties of embroideries aroused his interest, and caught his attention.

人民吃的好了,货架上的商品满满当当,琳琅满目,什么样的商品或多或少都有点。People eat good, the bars are full and popping, every consumer good is more or less available.

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所有的夹角拖鞋都是防滑及防水的种类很多,一进到店家就可以看到琳琅满目的商品。Sandals are skidproof and waterproof. It has many different kinds of products that you can choose.

在购物通道的另一侧,德国旅游者威纳@梅尔的目光也停留在琳琅满目的巧克力货架上。On the other side of the aisle, German tourist Werner Meier also eyes the wide array of chocolates.

比如说,我希望做在寿司轨道片面,各式各样的寿司琳琅满目地从眼前经过。For example, I love to sit in front of the sushi conveyer belt, seeing the various sushis passing by.

东南亚风情村占地300亩,这里椰树成林,各种热带水果琳琅满目。Southeast Asian style village covering 300 mu, where palm forest, all kinds of tropical fruits range.

琳琅满目的海军牌各系列咖啡及红茶产品整齐排列在展销摊格中,让顾客任意选购。Various types and choices of our products were on display during the Fiesta for customers' selections.

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在安徽省省会合肥市的周谷堆市场,各种各样的化学添加剂可谓琳琅满目。All kinds of chemical additives can be found in Zhougudui market in Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province.

在三楼的展厅内陈列着琳琅满目的饰品,化妆品、箱包、雨伞等。Different kinds of goods are displayed in the showroom, such as jewelries, cosmetics, cases and umbrellas.

然而,当我们面对琳琅满目的食物时,我们的反应似乎是竭尽所能地吃。However, when we are faced with an overwhelming variety of food, our response seems to be to eat all we can.