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可否谈谈你在康帝的生活?How is your life in Kande?

你们可否接受易货贸易呢?Could you accept barter trade?

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我可否探望我的助养孩子?。Can I visit my sponsored child?

可否请您赏光?Will you honour me with a visit?

可否请您为我澄清一个议题?Could you clarify a point for me?

请原谅,我可否离开一下?Would you excuse me for a minute?

你可否把这些报纸收走?Could you chlear away these papers?

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我可否把你比作一朵蓝莲花?。Shall I compare thee to a blue lotus?

可否译为和你谈伦他的观点?You mean "talk you into his opinion"?

可否告诉更多的关于目镜的信息?Can you tell me more about the visors?

可否借用贵报一点宝贵的篇幅。May I trespass on your valuable space.

你可否告诉她我是佩特夫人?Will you tell her that I'm Mrs. Pater?

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可否请你把碗盘装到洗碗机去?Would you load the dishwashers,please?

我不知道你可否让我用一用你的借书证?I wonder if you'd let me use your card?

可否提供你们最少的订货量是多少?Would you provide the MOQ to us please?

我们可否预防和修补肛提肌损伤?。Can we prevent or repair levator trauma?

责任是标尺,丈量可否行。Responsibility is the ruler, can measure.

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我可否设法把它一次搬回来?Can I manage to make it back in one piece?

如果我是海洋,你可否变做天空。If I were the ocean, Would you be the sky?

可否描述一下在组织中SEPG的角色?WYPD the role of SEPG in the organization?