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那些叶子跳往梳子上边!The leaves jumped to the comb!

我的真牙还在上边呢!My false teeth are stuck to it.

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这张明信片有一只熊猫在上边。This postcard has a panda on it.

把这本书放在其他书的上边。Put this book on top of the others.

于是他拉了拉那上边的一个塑料圆头。Then he pulled the plastic knob on it.

一旦他傻傻的踩上边线。As soon as he's silly and steps on aline.

但这或许跟你的情况完全扯不上边。But that might not be the case at your end.

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我够不到最上边树枝上的苹果。I can't reach the apples on the top branch.

我够不着最上边树枝上的苹果。I cannot reach the apples on the top branch.

我们读一切和功课沾不上边的书。We read books related to none of our classes.

我心里一动,知道是蹦蹦兔在上边等我了。I was aware of the rabbit leap waiting for me.

我在这上边画了个大致的草图。So I drawn a rough diagram at top right there.

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上边那个拿着记号笔的女孩呢?Who's the girl with the magic markers up there?

这个在左栏的最上边。This is at the very top of the left-hand column.

他慈祥的眼神在半框眼镜上边凝视过来.His kind eyes peered over the top of his half-glasses.

关于壁画方面,上边图片不言而喻。Concerning murals, the picture above speaks for itself.

他坐在金色的龙椅上边看书边点头。He sat in his golden throne reading and nodding his head.

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我停下笔来,竭力寻找这歌声来自何方。原来是一只小麻雀在窗台上边舞边唱。I stop writing and try to find out where it is coming from.

“死之将至”的人如此,那些健康的、跟死亡还沾不上边的人对“死亡”也心存畏惧。This is true not only of the dying but also of the healthy.

为什么车子球迷喜欢边坐在马桶上边吹口哨?Q. Why do Chelsea fans whistle whilst sitting on the toilet?