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我们为取名字而费尽心思。We picked out names.

您一定很会摸透别人的心思。You must be a mindreader.

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四体不勤,令人心思懒散。Idle hands make idle minds.

我把喜欢你的那些小心思抽成了驼绒。Do you know that I love you ?

他再次猜透了我的心思。He had read my thoughts again.

她从来不在穿着上费心思。She never bothers about clothes.

她从不在穿着上费心思。She never bothered about clothes.

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埃文河的天鹅别有心思。The swan of Avon has other thoughts.

他费尽心思反而于自己惹人讨厌。He contrived to get himself disliked.

心脏不停跳的因为你的心思。The beating of the heart because of you.

然而他的心思比马蹄更敏捷。And yet his mind outran the horses' feet.

仅这个梦想,我花尽了心思。I want to go there, can you take with me?

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我只希望你灵秀的心思不要嫌它太粗鄙But that I hope some good conceit of thine

把心思放在休息、康复和爱上。Focus on resting, healing, loving thoughts.

她脸红了,让我看穿了她的心思。Her face turned red,I saw through her mood.

这个国家没有任何心思进行一场革命。The country is in no mood for a revolution.

林午阳知晓了彪子的心思,责骂彪子了。Lin Wu Yang knows puma son mind, scold puma.

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这是一种心思疾病,全看你自己!This is a mind disease, depends on your own!

可把心思放在现今流行的新思潮上。Put your thoughts into some trendy new ideas.

你变成了一个揣摩别人心思的人,一个算命先生。You become a mind reader and a fortune teller.