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你得收支能相抵吗?Can you make ends meet?

收支相抵。The gains offset the losses.

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收支恰好相抵。Income and expenditures exactly balance.

在纸面上,议案的预算收支相抵。On paper, the bills break even for the budget.

他们要做到收支相抵很困难。They have difficulty in making both ends meet.

在经营了六个月后,公司已收支相抵。After six months of trading the company broke even.

收支相抵,尚余150元。The accounts show a favourable balance of 150 yuan.

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你一定是在说笑。他们刚够收支相抵。You must be joking. They're barely making ends meet.

那商人把他的亏损跟赢利相抵。The tradesman balanced his losses against his profits.

每月得失相抵仍有许多赚头。Gains and losses average out to a large profit each month.

我们希望收入和花费的数字正好相抵。We wish that the figures for income and costs balance out.

这位打电话的人现在正苦于让收支相抵。The caller is having a tough time right now making ends meet.

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不管你做什么,你都要卖出一定数额才能达到收支相抵。Whatever you make, you have to sell a certain amount to break even.

赢家因此可以额外消费,输家却相应地要减少开支,二者不能相抵。The winners’ extra spending may not offset the losers’ retrenchment.

弯起双腿并向身体两侧掰开,两只脚丫相抵,摆出蝴蝶的姿势。Your legs should be bent and spread, feet together in butterfly position.

我们不应与人攀比,否则就无法收支相抵。We should not compare with the higher. Otherwise, we won't make both ends meet.

但是我们知道今天花了两张付薪水的支票来收支相抵,就在惯常的花掉一张的时候。But we know it takes two paychecks to make ends meet today, when it used to take one.

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再说一遍,成本和政府奖励相抵Just to say it again, so the cost and direct benefits of government are a wash for her.

尽管政府确实有许多失职之处,但现在其成功也能让自己功过相抵了。The numerous examples of government failure can now be weighed against examples of success.

本文研究的重点是损益相抵规则在我国的司法适用问题。The author researches on the benefits rule from the perspective of the judicial application.