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他问到了热饭的香味。He smelled hot food.

嗯,我已经闻到了香味。Mmm, I can smell it.

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香味扑鼻。A fragrance greeted us.

她的头发散发出丁香花的香味。Her hair smelt of lilac.

烘烤曲奇的香味。Smell of cookies baking.

丝兰香味和均匀。Yucca flavor and uniform.

这香味使她陶醉。The scents made her drunk.

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女人味是一股香味。Womanliness is a sweet smell.

有些花有浓烈的香味。Some flowers have strong smell.

玫瑰花香味很浓。The rose has a heavy fragrance.

屠夫她闻到了柳条女人的香味。The butcher smelt her fragrance.

是谁身上有那么浓的香味?Who's wearing that spicy perfume?

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淡黄色,有麦芽香味,无霉烂。Flaxen, malt fragrance, no mildew.

香味逗引我们。The delicious smell tantalised us.

玫瑰散发出浓郁的香味。The rose sends out strong fragrance.

它们的香味会让你口水直流的。The smell can make your mouth water.

没有香味或气味遮盖剂。No fragrance or scent masking agents.

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红花以水浸至出香味。Soak saffron in water until aromatic.

柠檬香味充满了小树林。The scent of lemons filled the grove.

香味弥漫著厨房。The spicy smell pervaded the kitchen.