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指控还是没有?In charge or not?

他否认了这项指控。He denies the charges.

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伊朗否认这些指控。Iran denies the charge.

我指控他犯了偷窃罪。I charge him with theft.

我不能任人指控我撒谎。I wouldn't take the lie.

他被指控凡有偷窃罪。He was accused of stealing.

他被指控犯有谋杀罪。He was indicted for murder.

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他矢口否认这个指控。He flatly denied the charge.

他曾被指控做流浪者。He is charged with vagrancy.

他被指控受贿。He was charged with bribery.

他被指控犯了伪造罪。He was charged with forging.

墨西哥电话公司否认这些指控。Telmex denies these charges.

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但他们都否认了这些指控。They all denied the charges.

这些指控是有凭有据的。The charges were sensational.

他们指控他犯了谋杀罪。They charged him with murder.

你的指控真是荒谬。What a ridiculous accusation.

他被洗脱所有指控的罪名。He was cleared of all charges.

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巴图林娜对这一指控予以否认。Baturina denies the allegation.

这项指控后来也不了了之了。The charges were later dropped.

申远否认了指控。Shenyuan denied the allegations.