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黑衣男人语调轻缓。The man in black spoke softly.

黑衣男子恨默剧,你看到的。Men in Black hate mimes you see.

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黑衣女人寂静安静地坐着。The Lady in Black sat very still.

在其他船只上,身穿黑衣的居民进行哀悼。On other boats, black-clad residents mourned.

这位穿黑衣的男人约摸四十岁左右。The man in black is somewhere in his forties.

他会穿着紧身黑衣去上班。He'd come to work dressed in skin-tight black clothes.

我乃西班牙海黑衣侠盗,汤姆·索亚。尔等何人?Tom Sawyer, the Black Avenger of the Spanish Main. Name your names.

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鱼刺下完命令,换一身黑衣,她的计划是采用突袭方式。Bones under the command, change a suit black, her plan is to use raid.

1608年,黑衣修士剧院也被他们接管。In 1608, the partnership also took over the Blackfriars indoor theatre.

那本打开着躺在地板上的时尚杂志,上面的黑衣女孩激怒了范老师。The black-clad girl taunted him from the magazine lying open on the floor.

月色下,四层骑楼上爬满了黑衣的杀人凶器!The moonlight, four layers overhang was crawling with black murder weapon!

新疆乌孜别克族和维吾尔族、广西黑衣壮族和浙江畲族遗传关系较近。Genetic relationship be- tween Uzbek and Uigur, Heiyi Zhuang and She is closer.

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祝酒人头戴黑帽身穿黑衣,用围巾裹着面庞。The Toaster wears a black hat and coat and hides his face with a hood or scarf.

他身边的那几棵树满是砍过的痕迹,但是却根本没有那黑衣骑士的影子。The trees around him bore many hack marks, but there was no black knight to be seen.

庭审时林诺身着黑衣头戴墨镜,表现得很坚强。Dressed in black for the trial, eyes hidden behind sunglasses, Linor had to be strong.

在一些地方,我们找到反抗军战士的尸体,穿着黑衣,带着弹药带。In some places we found bodies of fighters, dressed in black and with ammunition belts.

一架警方直升机嗡嗡地掠过里约的上空,机舱两边各有一名身着黑衣的狙击手,做好了射击准备。A police helicopter rattles through the skies over Rio, black-clad snipers poised at either side.

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她穿了一身黑衣,从头到脚都湿淋淋的,完全湿透了。She was dressed in a sharp looking black dress but soaked from head to toe — absolutely drenched.

我用眼角的余光可以看到,太空猴子们身着黑衣黑裤,举着蜡烛在周围徘徊。In the corner of my eye, the space monkeys pace around in black, each one hunched over his candle.

身着黑衣的印度突击队员们多次试图夺回酒店并解救人质。There were repeated attempts by black-clad Indian commandos to take the hotels and free the hostages.