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时光飞逝,画面也如过眼烟云。As the years flew by , so did the images.

浮躁的欢喜或悲哀,不过是一些过眼烟云。The joy or sorrow, impetuous but some ephemeral.

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归根结底,尘世间的欢乐大多是过眼烟云,转瞬即逝。In the final analysis, most of life's joys are transitory.

不愿意很快便成为过眼烟云,乌玛离开美国来到了英国。Choosing to become more than just a passing fad, Uma left for England.

尽管很多往事已如过眼烟云,但他们的感悟永恒。Although many of the examples are obviously dated, their lessons are timeless.

老一代记忆犹新的重大历史事件对年轻人来说不过是过眼烟云而已。Events that the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history.

在过去20年中,日本至少换过14位首相,而他们中大部分人已成过眼烟云。In the past 20 years there have been no fewer than 14 prime ministers, most of them forgettable.

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享乐只是过眼烟云。一个真正充实,光荣的人生通常需要逆境的励炼。Pleasure only gets you so far. A rich, rewarding life often requires a messy battle with adversity.

一个人面对反对意见,他的反应应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he.

一个人面对反对意见,其举措应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition, as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he.

但现在,我们俩都有了各自美满的家庭,所有的故事都如过眼烟云了无踪迹。But at present, we both have our own beatific family, all of the story became the cloud and gas passed without any trace.

一切成败得失,终是过眼烟云,无论辉煌还是暗淡都是一份需要面对的生命。Success and failure are like floating smoke and passing clouds . You have to face your life whether it is splendid or dull.

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但倘若我错失了该把握的缘分,那么所有的偶然也便如过眼烟云,没了必然的结果。But if my error should grasp fate, then all accidentally also then like passing scene, does not it have the inevitable result?

看秋云,我终于领略了“过眼烟云”意境,更悟出了“富贵如浮云”的真谛。See autumn cloud, I finally got a taste of" artistic conception, more like floating smoke and passing clouds" to " rich clouds".

面对同样的竞争,为什么有的企业成为过眼烟云,而有的企业却能生存下来,甚至上升为实力雄厚的大企业呢?Faced with the same competitive market, some enterprises have disappeared so quickly while others can survive and become stronger.

凭着一时的激情结婚,激情一过,婚姻也如过眼烟云,这是不负责任的态度。When they are in passion, they marry each other. When the passion is gone, the marriage is over. That is an irresponsible attitude.

这时形式已经与它的本质完全地分离了,仅仅作为一个符号,成为街上的一阵过眼烟云的流行。Here, form had been totally separated from its nature. Only as a symbol, Zen became prevalent in the street just like a fleeting cloud.

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我觉得,面对机会,要有争取的勇气,如果连这点勇气都没有,那再好的机会也只会成为过眼烟云。I think we should have courage when facing the changes. If there's none of such courage, the better changes will be like clouds pass your eyes without anything.

我相信好运与恶运,就像我赢得六合彩,这样看起来有点靠运气,但对我而言,这看似过眼烟云的小事。I believe in good and bad luck. As I win mark six, it is appear to be a lottery. But for me it just seems as transient and ephemeral as a fleeting cloud an unimportant matter.

它决定不顾与北京的友谊,撕毁与中国合作建大型水坝的计划,这让过去二三十年来该国精英阶层一直坚持的对华友好政策成了过眼烟云。Its decision to bite the usually friendly hand of Beijing by ditching plans to construct a massive dam flies in the face of everything the ruling elite had stood for in recent decades.