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目前,准备工作已经到位。All the preparation work is done.

将除冰设备移动到位。Put mobile equipment in position.

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举行的结霜帮助它到位。The frosting helps hold it in place.

花胃康胶丸的酒吧屏幕降低到位。JWC's bar screen is lowered into place.

笔记本上到位的防滑橡胶铂。Non-skid rubber pt your Netbook in place.

问题的关键还是要归结到位块传送上。The key generally comes down to blitting.

用强力胶将镜子固定到位。Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive.

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唯一确定的事是,他们从来没有磨合到位。The only thing clear is that they never did.

使用很短针锁定到位。Use very short stitches to lock it in place.

方向时,你把你的日晷到位。Direction when you put your sundial in place.

我如何申请生成法线到位图?How do I apply generated normals to a bitmap?

飞机降落了,并滑行到位。The plane comes in and taxis up to its place.

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其色调也染得更加到位和饱满。Even the dye will have more depth and richness.

我认为琼斯把握丛林战非常到位。I think Jones captured jungle warfare brilliantly.

将篮体向底座对准,并且放到位。Aim the Basket toward the base, and put in position.

在没有真正到位镶嵌优化。The Tessellation optimization is not truly in place.

我的正手出了一些问题,移动不到位。My forehand had some issues, my movement wasn't there.

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满意就意味着所有的工作都到位了,结束了,别无所求了。Satisfied means done, finished, I don't need any more.

所有程序全部到位并准确无误地运行。All the procedures were in place, and worked flawlessly.

哔哔作响的叉车把移动厕所摆放到位。Forklifts beeped, moving portable toilets into position.