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速度滑冰直摆臂是一项新的技术,唐先生欢迎大家交流讨论。The speed skating straight pendulum arm is a new technology, Mr.

我军选手王霏和邢爱华在速度滑冰的比赛中,各获得一枚金牌。The PLA skaters Wang Fei and Xing Aihua won a gold medal each in speed skating.

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除了做为一名世界级的速度滑冰运动员之外,克拉拉·休斯也是一位有天赋的艺术家。In addition to being a world-class athlete, speed skater Clara Hughes is a talented artist.

她妈妈给温尼伯速度滑冰俱乐部打电话,得知那里有一个春季训练营。Her mother called the Winnipeg Speed Skating Club and found out there was a spring training camp.

我现在想念王蒙,短道速度滑冰世界冠军和奥运会金牌的获得者。I'm thinking now of Wang Meng, the world champion and Olympic gold medal short track speed skater.

不过现在花样滑冰比速度滑冰更引人注目,它包括男女单人滑,双人滑和冰上舞蹈。The difference between roller skating and ice skating lies in the skating ground and skate, right?

速度滑冰选手要与时间赛跑、与滑冰场上其他赛道的选手赛跑。Skaters in speed skating race against the clock and against competitors in other lanes of the rink.

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滑冰在沿着几种不同形式发展着——速度滑冰、花样滑冰和滑冰游戏。Skating has developed along several different lines speed skating, figure skating and skating games.

就在那时她找到了她的下一位老师,王秀丽,这位前中国速度滑冰运动员一直执教她至今。It was then she found her next teacher, Xiuli Wang, a former Chinese speed skater who guides her to this day.

本文探讨了高校速度滑冰教学中心理训练的具体途径与方法。The paper discussed the specific methods in the Psychology Training of speed skating teaching in universities.

运动员要在国际滑冰联盟在短道速滑500米决赛转弯速度滑冰锦标赛1月23日在德累斯顿。Skaters make a turn during the 500m finals at the ISU Short Track Speed Skating Championships in Dresden January 23.

综述了国内外对生理生化指标监控的一些研究成果及在速度滑冰项目上的研究进展。The article is about the research development in applying the physiological and biochemical indexes in speed skating.

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在已经结束的前四个速度滑冰比赛中,亚洲国家出乎意料地获得了两枚金牌和一枚银牌。Through the first four speedskating events, the Asian nation has won two golds and a silver -- none of them expected.

在速度滑冰运动中,如何使呼吸与运动动作相配合,是一个关系到滑行速度和速度耐力的一个重要问题。In speed skating sports, the coordination between breath and movement is important to the skating speed and speed endurance.

黑龙江获速度滑冰、花样滑冰、冰球3项团体分第一名、滑雪团体分第二名。Heilongjiang won the speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey 3 of group points first, skiing group points the second place.

虽然中国一直在寻求速度滑冰长道项目上的首枚金牌,但王北星还是对自己的成绩表示满意。Wang was satisfied with her result, even though her country is still seeking its first gold medal in long-track speedskating.

吉林获速度滑冰、冰球团体分第二名,滑雪团体分第一名,花样滑冰团体分第三名。Jilin won the speed skating, ice hockey group points, the second group points first, ski figure skating group points in third.

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不过对速度滑冰的渴望仍然时刻萦绕在休斯心里,她决定在悉尼奥运会后回到她最初喜爱的项目上。But the lure of speed skating always remained for Hughes and she decided to return to her first love after the Sydney Olympics.

在随后进行的速度滑冰女子100米的决赛中,我军选手邢爱华以10秒41的成绩夺得金牌。Later, in the women's 100 m speed skating finals, Xing Aihua, another PLA skater, seized the gold medal with a score of 10"41."

运动员期间作出的国际滑冰联盟短道速滑500米比赛资格转弯速度滑冰锦标赛1月23日在德累斯顿。Skaters make a turn during the 500m qualification race at the ISU Short Track Speed Skating Championships in Dresden January 23.