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这件事气得他七窍生烟。He foamed with anger over the matter.

老沃特闻言七窍生烟,立马甩了他儿子一个耳光。Sir Walter promptly boxed his son's ears.

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我们晚到了一小时,她正气得七窍生烟。By the time we arrived an hour late she was fuming.

一八一五年的条约把他气得七窍生烟,如同受了个人的侮辱。The treaties of 1815 removed him as a personal offence.

一听说他又要来,她七窍生烟。When she heard he would come again, she fumed with anger.

我们晚到了一个小时,她正气得七窍生烟。By the time we arrived an hour later she was fuming with rage.

等了将近一个半小时之后,她气得七窍生烟。After having to wait nearly an hour and a half, she was foaming.

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我在公开场合表现得宽容大度,私下里却气得七窍生烟,说了一些对他不友好的话,这令我后悔。I was magnanimous in public, but I fumed in private and said some things about Mario I regret.

当这些将军们被气得七窍生烟的时候,满堂的观众却起立向影片致敬,并致以经久不息的掌声。While generals huffed and puffed, the packed auditorium audience gave "Testimonies" a standing ovation.

四喜胸有成竹,眼见大刀临头,还一直在说冷笑话,把县令气得七窍生烟。Four xi have answers, and see the sword, has also been said joke, tearing his hair out about the county magistrate.

尽管被老虎队在垒上有人时贫打搞得七窍生烟,李兰还是说了些好话,这些话似乎已经在布朗士区传开,传得比地铁还快。Despite some frustration fuming over the Tigers' lack of hitting with runners on base, Leyland spoke some words that seem to already be spreading across the Bronx faster than the subways.