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请背对背站着。Stand back to back, please.

背对背!把你们自己包起来!Back to back! Wrap yourselves up!

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我和你背对背开始往前走。You and I began to walk apart, back to back.

毅然背对背走向更远的光年。Took back-to-back to more distant light years.

有两个光屁股姑娘背对背坐在一个类似台子的地方。There were two naked girls seated back to back on a dais thing.

莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥做了两项背对背的引人入胜的梦幻工程。Leonardo DiCaprio made two intriguing dream projects back to back.

测试构成背对背游戏机相同的路径,使用叉子。The test consisted of back to back rides the same trails using both forks.

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对于时刻负荷,背对背安装优于前端到前面安装。For moment loads, back-to-back mounting is better than front-to-front mounting.

他们两个背对背的坐在草地上,谁也不说话。The two of them are sitting on the grass back-to-back, no one is speaking a word.

最后,刘冰和小雨又去网吧上网聊天,依然是背对背。Finally, Liu and Xiao Yu went to the Internet cafe and they were still back to back this time.

学习推回背对背的舞蹈技巧与专家波尔卡步骤在这个自由的波尔卡舞视频。Learn the push return back to back dance steps with expert polka tips in this free polka dancing video.

第一和第二凸轮随动件壁装被设置为彼此相反,例如背对背。The first and second cam follower wall means are disposed so as to oppose one another, e. g. back to back.

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在此提出了一种改进的宽带移相90度希夫曼提出使用背对背微带线。In this paper, an improved wide-band 90 degrees Schiffman phase shifter is presented by using a back to back microstrip line.

和真正的崩溃迷,新的变化和经典的收藏,在我们的快速播放模式,提供无穷的,背对背的挑战!And for the true Collapse aficionado , new variations and classic favorites in our Quick Play mode deliver endless, back-to-back challenges!

被用于设备检测时,背对背连接消除了传输通道或媒介的影响。When used for equipment measurements or testing purposes, such a back-to-back connection eliminates the effects of the transmission channel or medium. 2.

Rosenblat发现,大多数夫妇在背对背睡的时候,睡眠效果最好,这样更好地避免因曲膝而碰到对方以及“那一点点口臭”。Dr. Rosenblatt found that most couples sleep best when they face away from each other, the better to avoid flexing knees and “that little gush of bad breath.

Rosenblat发现,大多数夫妇在背对背睡的时候,睡眠效果最好,这样更好地避免因曲膝而碰到对方以及“那一点点口臭”。Dr. Rosenblatt found that most couples sleep best when they face away from each other, the better to avoid flexing knees and “that little gush of bad breath.”

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如果面对面或背对背配置的相配圆锥滚子轴承对与第三个轴承安装在一起,轴承配置为静态不确定。If matched pairs of tapered roller bearings arranged face-to-face or back-to-back are mounted together with a third bearing, the bearing arrangement is statically indeterminate.

爸妈送给我们一对鱼的造型的银烛台,并且关照我们烛台的摆放方式,只能面对面或者并排,绝对不能背对背。Mike's parents presented us a pair of silver candle holders which in the shape of fish and they asked us only to put the pair of fish face to face or side by side never back to back!

在上面所显示的正规赛程表中,所有比赛都归进了三个回合。这样,每一回合比赛,四支队伍都参加,而且不会有队伍进行两场背对背似的比赛而中间没有休息。On the normal schedule shown above, the games are grouped into three pairs, such that for each pair of games, all four teams play, with no team playing two matches back-to-back without a break.