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我能因此再得个套套吗?Can I get a case for that?

这时彼得抛出绳套套住了狼。Peter threw a rope around the wolf.

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套套可以用来套着步枪的枪口。A condom can be used to cover the muzzle of your rifle.

我会在Appletell上送出我的套套,因为我不需要。I’ll give mine away on Appletell. Because I don’t need it.

今天我摔倒在地,脸摔在一只用过的套套上。FML。Today, I managed to fall face-first into a used condom. FML.

有几个人爬到了雕像上,把一个绳套套在了雕像脖子上。A couple of men climbed up and slipped a rope round his neck.

套套的弹性还可以在这些碎布上施加压力。The elastic nature of the condom also adds pressure to the mix.

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陷在缝中的制图者用皮带轻击塞子套套。The mapper trapped in the gap tapped the tap wrapper with strap.

有些人喜欢可以带来更多感受的超薄套套。Some people prefer thinner condoms that allow for more sensation.

套套可作为一种漂浮装置承载小型物件。A condom can make a floatation device large enough to float small items.

大长今里那一套套美丽的韩服吸引了不少人。That the presentation of this beautiful, hanbok attract a lot of people.

这时服务员走了过来,捡起内华丽丽滴套套,并带着微笑递到偶面前。The waiter walked past, picked up and held it out to me with a huge grin.

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daringfireball的博主约翰·格鲁伯问会场里谁有官方套套。John Gruber of daringfireball asked if anyone in the room had a bumper case.

哦,由于他们没有生产足够多的套套,所以你可以选择自己喜欢的款式!Oh, and because they can’t make enough Bumpers, you get your choice of cases!

非常令人失望,它的弟弟非常小甚至连套套都穿不住。Much to my disappointment, his penis was so small the condom wouldn't stay on.

像人类一样,狗狗戴上套套后也会轻微地降低性爱时的敏感度。Just like with human condoms, the dog may experience a slight loss of sensation.

在紧急情况下你可将套套做成绷带用来止血。A condom can allow you to make a bandage to stop bleeding in an emergency situation.

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套套可以让易燃物品在潮湿天气或环境中保持干爽。A condom can be used to keep fire making material dry in wet weather or environments.

今天我在蓝蓝路点餐时,口袋里的套套掉了出来,掉在柜台上。Today, I was ordering food at McDonalds when my condom fell out and onto the counter.

哦,由于他们没有生产足够多的套套,所以你可以选择自己喜欢的款式!再熊抱一下。Oh, and because they can't make enough Bumpers, you get your choice of cases! Big man hug!