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好好休息,早日康复。Rest well.

为你的康复而祈祷。I pray for you.

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为毕牧师身体的康复代祷。For healing of Rev. Beck.

希望妳能早日康复。I wish you get well soon.

他不久就会康复的。He'll soon be convalescent.

祝她早日康复!Hopefully she will recover.

他说,全部患者都在康复之中。All are recovering, he said.

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望妈妈早日康复,爸爸身体健康。I love you, Dear Mom and Dad.

病人离康复还差得远。The patient is far from well.

我认为他们还有一个礼拜需要康复。They will be one week I think.

他给她治好病,使她康复。He doctored her back to health.

祝你早日康复。I hope you'll be yourself soon.

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患者顺利地康复了。The patient convalesced nicely.

你刚从一次大手术中康复过来?Recovery from a major operation?

我们希望他能早日康复。We hope he will get better soon.

我从事康复护理。I perform rehabilitation nursing.

病人正顺利康复。The patient is convalescing nicely.

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病人正在顺利地康复。The patient is convalescing nicely.

他们为她尽快康复而祈祷。They prayed that she wonld recover.

希望你早日康复。I hope you will be well pretty soon.