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老板得卷起袖管亲历亲为。Bosses have to roll up their sleeves and work.

它就像个历经沧桑的老人,亲历过各种离愁别绪。It was like an old man and had seen all kinds of departure.

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口述史是亲历者叙述的历史。The oral history is the history narrated by those who experienced.

最后,我将提供一个这样的例子并会带您亲历它的源代码。Finally, I'll provide one such example and walk you through the source code.

笔者亲历过日本文化对中国的影响之巨大。The author has experienced the Japanese culture to China hugeness influence.

曹先生每天早上一起来就直奔獒园,怎么看也看不够,有时连喂食都亲历亲为。Mr. Cao every day got up to the Mastiff Kennel, and sometimes personally feeding.

体验二元周期并且在路程中学习掌握,这是为何你们亲历者过程的原因。Experiencing duality and learning Mastery in route, is why you entered the course.

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他的父亲则亲历三位女同胞为美国赢得首块金牌——都是一个项目,击剑。His father saw three women win America’s first medals – all in one event, fencing.

同时杨绛亲历了新中国成立以来对知识分子的政治改造运动。She experienced the political reform for the intellectuals since the founding the P.

它抒发的实际上是诗人亲历的一个春日不眠之夜的思春、惜春、恋春的感受。The poem expresses the poet's deep affection for spring at a sleepless spring night.

一名没有透露姓名的事件亲历者说,当时卡车上总共搭载着40人。An unnamed witness said the incident, when the truck was carrying 40 people in total.

奇怪的是,在差不多两年半并完成了两部小说之后,我所亲历的美国人称之为“减低。Curiously, some two-and-a-half years and two novels later, my experiment in what thge.

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这一画面将被亲历过北京奥运会的人们所永远铭记。It is a picture that those who were able to attend the Games will carry with them forever.

做客服咯。质量控制。对于协定中的每一出我都喜欢亲历亲为。Customer service. Quality control. I like to keep a hand in all our theaters of engagement.

尽管父亲目睹并亲历种族歧视,但他从未放弃对美国梦的信仰。And despite the racism he saw and experienced, he never lost his faith in that American dream.

在过去一年左右的时间里,我也在亲历或者观看的比赛里面看到有很多跑友戴着耳机参加比赛。In the past year or so, I've also noticed a lot more headphones in races I've run in or watched.

当然,现在我已经亲历了许多组织,帮助贫困人口的过程,也看到了他们的工作。Of course now I have visited projects and groups helping the poor and seen what they were doing.

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周升先、陈栋作为其中一员,他们亲历历史,也是历史的见证人。Or first week, Chen Donghua as one of them, they witnessed history, is also a witness to history.

而且他们说它在发展辩论中的作用仍然应该主要是理智的辩论而非“亲历亲为”。And they say its role in development debates should remain primarily intellectual, not 'hands on'.

其中本人亲历了云南白马山地文化研究中心执行的项目。Especially, the author participated in the project of Whitehorse Mountain Culture Research Center.