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这种枕套的枕芯是大米做的。The pillow is filled with rice.

我昨天买了一个枕套。I bought a pillowcase yesterday.

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我把我的枕头放进枕套中。I put my pillow into my pillowcase.

我把我的枕头放进枕套中。I put my pillow into the pillowcase.

舒鼾枕有专门的枕套吗?Does the Sona Pillow come with a pillowcase?

我来调换床单和枕套。I'm here to change the sheets and pillowcases.

整理好你的床铺,同时换一下枕套。Fold up your bedding, and change the pillowcase.

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一般的枕套适用舒鼾枕吗?Can I use a regular pillowcase with the Sona Pillow?

枕套脏了,请换一下好吗?The pillowcases are dirty. Could you change them for me?

冲洗无效的枕套,床单,毛巾和床单。Rinse invalid's pillowcases, sheets, towels and bedclothes.

妈妈正在往做好的枕套里充填棉絮。Mother is filling the ready-made pillowslip with cotton wool.

这块布可以做一对枕套。This piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases.

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我用枕套做了个蛇袋,就像海伦教我的那样。I made a snake bag out of a pillowcase, as Helen had instructed.

房间的枕套是脏的,浴盆也是脏的。The pillowcases in my room are stained and the bathtub is not clean.

我们非常高兴有关棉布枕套的交易已经达成协议。We are glad that business for cotton pillowcases has been concluded.

无论枕芯还是枕套都是极柔软舒适的材料。Both the pillow core and pillow case are with great softness and comfort.

有,每个舒鼾枕都附带一个特制枕套,方便使用。Yes, the Sona Pillow comes with a special pillowcase made for this pillow.

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两个枕套的开口处要面向床的中间。The pillowcase openings must be facing each other in the middle of the bed.

画张图片,编织一条阿富汗毛毯,钩织围巾,或缝一些枕套。Create a picture, make an afghan, crochet a scarf, or sew some pillow covers.

所有的被单、枕套和毛巾上都清楚地绣着生产商的名字。All bed linen and towels are clearly embossed with the name of the manufacturer.