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所以我下定决心重拾学业。so I decided to come back.

决不要抛弃你的学业。Never fling up your studies.

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二传手是一个目标和学业成绩。Be a goal setter and a achiever.

也祝你学业一切顺利。Every success in your study, too.

祝你学业有成!Wish you succeed in your studying!

是什么让你又重拾学业呢?What made you start studying again?

我相信,在我的学业成绩二氧化碳。I'm an achiever coz I believe in me.

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可以支持你完成学业。to support yourself through college.

真是恋爱学业两不误啊。You can't miss out on love or studying.

他最近正在刻苦钻研他的学业。He is hammering at his studies recently.

他工作的同时兼顾学业。He juggled work with full time schooling.

你什么时候能修完大学学业?。When will you finish your college course?

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他告诉我说他已经完成了大学学业。I was told that iphone4 had been sold out.

“学业应当放在首位,”刘素阁说。"Study should be the priority, " Liu says.

他在学业上一点也没有进取心。He has no enterprise at all in his studies.

几年后,乐羊子终于完成学业,成为一个博学的人。Several years later he became a learned man.

因为招兵,我完成了学业。Although drafted, I finished the school year.

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这狗娘养的至少该有个糟糕的学业吧?Did the sonofabitch at least get lousy grades?

我完成了大学的学业,住得离母亲很远。I finished college and live far away from her.

那就在这里,我旺吉祥祝大家事业有成学业进步!I wish everyone achieves great goals this year!