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这张柚木桌子的桌腿有凹槽纹饰。The teak table has fluted legs.

种子表面纹饰为网状或乳突状。The surface ornament of seed is reticulate or mammilate.

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红缎地刺绣蓝色瓜蝶绵绵纹饰。Red silk embroidery skirt with butterflies, melons, flowers.

第三章探讨了汉镜纹饰的文化内涵。The third section discusses the cultural meaning of the Han Mirror.

福娃晶晶的头部纹饰源自宋瓷上的莲花瓣造型。Fuwa Jingjing Song Ci from the head decoration of lotus petals on the form.

我认为您的领带的式样和纹饰最配您的西服。I consider the style and design of your tie as most suitable for your suit.

人前边缘有一块体现地位的纹饰。On the left front edge was placed the clavus , insignia of high dignitaries.

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您的炮管有漂亮纹饰。你是买的吗?制作的?Roma, your cannon barrels have wonderful detail. Did you buy them? Make them?

这种象征着变形力量的纹饰所表现的可能就是高祖夒。The primordial ancestor KUI is an anthropomorphized metamorphic power symbol.

他的头部纹饰源自宋瓷上的莲花瓣造型。The grain decoration on his head comes from the lotus pattern on Song pottery.

纹饰本身有它的时代性,它是当时社会文化的反映。Has its own decoration of the times, it was a reflection of social and cultural.

这把剑柄发掘于一个男性墓穴,特写是一种西伯利亚熊纹饰。This dagger hilt, found in the grave of a man, features a type of Siberian bear.

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矛上的回纹铭很象广西花山壁画上的民族纹饰。The grains on spear likes the national grains of fresco of Guangxi Flower Mountain.

另外还有许多有几何图案精细纹饰的陶器。Also found were a number of ceramic items, finely decorated with geometric patterns.

西汉时期,铜镜较厚重,纹饰多几何图案、神人和禽兽纹等。During the Western Han period, the bronze mirrors used to be relatively thick and heavy.

这里所指纹饰的含义首要是指约定俗成的传统含义。Here refers to the meaning of grain first refers to the established traditional meaning.

外壁纹饰网状,某些种尚具或为细小的穿孔。The ornamentation of extine is reticulate, reticulate- microperforate or microperforate.

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仰韶文化陶器上蒙面人纹饰表达的应当是一种神秘主义的主题。The veiled man engraved on stoneware of Yangshao Culture expressed mysticism as a theme.

第二层之蟠龙柱,体态雄健,纹饰线条流畅。The dragon column on the 2nd floor is vigorous in posture, with smooth decorative outline.

第四章阐述了漩涡纹饰的现代装饰意义及未来的发展趋势。The fourth chapter elucidates the use in modern decoration of scrollwork and its future trends.