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摆脱癌症五年纪念。Five years cancer-free.

一个手镯或者纪念戒指。A bracelet or class ring.

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这是个值得纪念的日子。This is a red-letter day.

我要将它保存下来作为纪念。I'll keep it for a souvenir.

这儿卖纪念邮折吗?Do you sell souvenir folders?

那是为了纪念耶稣被钉十字架。It's when Jesus was crucified.

纪念英国乔治二世皇帝。In honor of George II of England.

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因为那是他的周年纪念。because that was his anniversary.

纪念英国的乔治二世皇帝。Inn honor of George II of England.

纪念英国的查理一世。"In honor of Charles I of England".

这天是纪念母亲的日子。It's a day of memorializing mothers.

各位嘉宾不妨在此留影纪念。You may take photos here for memory.

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他们为刘胡兰建造了一座纪念碑。They erected a monument to Liu Hulan.

这个网志是用来纪念何连郁文老太太。This is the web blog in memory of Ms.

在中国,八月一日是个值得纪念的日子。August 1 is a red-letter-day in china.

把这些羽毛拿去当作纪念吧。Take these feathers to remember us by.

众议院的莱曼纪念博物馆,希洛。The Lyman House Memorial Museum, Hilo.

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这是德国威黑姆国王的纪念台。This is the "Kaiser Wilhelm" memorial.

①那是滑铁卢战场上的纪念墩,墩上有个铜狮子,是英普联军在击溃拿破仑后建立的。He was on the battle-field of Waterloo.

为了纪念某某某,请叫我小文。In memory of XXX, call me Xiaowen, plz.