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其三,19世纪中后期,章回小说有南北合流的趋势。Thirdly, the chapter fictions had a current of confluent north and south.

19世纪章回小说蕴含着强烈的地域特色与地域文化因素。The chapter fictions in the 19 th century had strong clime difference and clime culture factor.

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对于中国古典长篇章回小说的性质,中国学者一般认为是“通俗文学”。For a long chapter , the nature of classical Chinese novel is generally believed the "popular literature."

而今,匆匆两三年的岁月走过,也算是有了些答案,就像章回小说已告一段落。Now, the years passed hastily in 2023, also considered a better answer, just like novels has come to an end.

由于讲史以及这些特点的存在,史传向章回小说的过渡才得以完成。Because of these characteristic and the existing of history-telling, historical biographies evoluted into traditional Chinese novels.

其二,在章回小说的地域差异背后,隐藏着深层的思想内涵,诠释着中国思想文化从传统迈向近代的发展轨迹。Secondly, the clime difference hided deep- seated thinking connotation and deciphered the development track from tradition to modern.

文人小说和平民小说共同打造了清代嘉道时期章回小说两翼齐飞的创作格局。The Zhang Hui novel's creation pattern was composed of the literary novel and the common people novel in the Jia Dao period of the Qing Dynasty.

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中国石文化蕴涵着博大精深的东方哲学及美学思想,也扎根于章回小说等文学作品之中。Rooted in Chapter-novel and other traditional literary works, Chinese stone culture holds profound wisdom of eastern philosophy and esthetic thought.

明代三大古典名著的江户版译本开了日本翻译中国章回小说的先河。The Edo versions of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Outlaws of the Marsh and The Journey of the West had started Japanese translation of Chinese serial novel.

宋元话本在体裁形式、内容题材、语言特色方面对明清章回小说的影响,章回小说逐渐在内容、形式上摆脱了话本而独立存在。Song-Yuan script for story-telling has some effects on Ming-Qing chapters novel on some aspects, such as forms of literature, synopsis, language characteristics and so on.

受说书传统的影响,章回小说中运用了大量具有拟书场特征的叙事标记语。Influenced by the storytelling narrative feature of Chinese full-length vernacular fictions, Hong Lou Meng is embedded with a series of narrative markers to simulate an oral performance situation.