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要把故事讲的头头是道,还得经历一个漫长的学徒期。And it was a long apprenticeship, learning to tell stories.

妈妈,你说得头头是道,但你能欣赏那种艺术吗?Mom, you talk well, but can you appreciate that kind of art?

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众正没有主意之际,听到二毛说得头头是道,也言听计从。The idea is not, as heard two hairs pronouncing on, and opinions.

杨广听姬威说得头头是道,不再问姬威的罪。YangGuang listen to JiWei pronouncing on, no longer ask JiWei sin.

他说得头头是道,但我觉得有些可疑,于是拒绝了他的建议。He spoke a very persuasively but I smelled a rat and refused his offer.

虽然我家只有三口人,但是大小官员也分得头头是道。Although our only three people, but size officials also had hit all the right notes.

好吧,虽然有那么多头头是道的理由可以一一细数,但也许下面这一个就足够了。Okay, so there are many rational reasons for this, but there is one major one that sticks out.

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在“一家大男人”的家里面,幸亏有个能干的媳妇美仙,能够把家务打理得头头是道。In a big man, thanks to a capable daughter-in-law beautiful fairy, able to articulate the housework to do.

不少专家谈起理论头头是道,可在培养自己孩子的问题上却一塌糊涂。Many experts are clear and logical in theory, but they are completely confused in cultivating their children.

此外,或许你还会发现她们能头头是道地说出她们最烦汉子的各类工作。What's more, you might realize that they can speak volumes about the things that men do that annoy the heck out of them.

何应钦将军在美国时参加了道德重整运动,头头是道地大谈中国需要民主。General Ho, while in the United States, joined the Oxford Movement and talked knowingly of the need for democracy in China.

我也这么想。人们认力他是一名知识分子,一名理想主义者,谈起亚里士多德、康德、马克思、纪德或福克纳这样的大家,他讲得头头是道。I guess so. He was known as an intellectual and an idealist, able to speak coherently about Aristotle, Kant, Marx. Gide or Faulkner.

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正如他们不喜欢有的老师,有的同学一样,即使他们讲得头头是道,我的态度永远都是不屑。As they don't like some teachers, some students, even if they speak closely reasoned and well argued, my attitude is always disdained.

若有人多次成功解决悬而未决的问题,面对质疑也能讲得头头是道,这种人的观点最可信。People who have repeatedly and successfully accomplished the thing in question and have great explanations when probed are most believable.

例如,经理可以把增加广告预算的必要性讲得头头是道,但是从总的布局看,增加改进产品的科研费用也许对这个组织更有好处。In the larger scheme of things, however, increased funding for research to improve the products might be more beneficial to the organization.

第二年我打了七场就伤了脚,康复之后我很想打球,然后杰瑞和一帮队医就头头是道的说我每半场只能打七分钟之类的理论——虽然我每天都要训练两小时——我可不管这些算数上的问题。And when I came back I wanna play. The doctor came with his old theory that you can play only seven minutes a game, but I am practicing two hours a day.

我知道有些人很喜欢口袋字典——这些人知道那些最生僻的词汇都是什么意思,他们讲起语法来头头是道。I know people who are like walking dictionaries – they know the most obscure words in the foreign language and can explain precisely how the grammar works.

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小学生说得头头是道,因为他们不仅要「吃得环保」,就连上课也要学习「环保新观念」。The students all seem to understand the benefits. In addition to their environmentally-friendly diet, they have been learning environmental protection concepts in class.

一帆拉荣生出来吃饭,头头是道的说着胖妞好,荣生还夸张的说即使把自己剁了也不能接受胖妞。YiFan pull RongSheng come out to have a dinner, clear and logical to say PanNiu is good, honor survive exaggerated said even if the chop off his also cant accept PanNiu.

尽管苏代讲得头头是道,但是胆小的魏王只顾眼前的太平,还是依大臣们的意见把魏国大片土地割让给秦国。For the king of the State of Wei was cowardly and only cared for peace at the moment. As might be expected, the Qin army assaulted the State of Wei on a large scale in 225 B. C.