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她谈笑风声地谈论艺术。She talked gaily of art.

他们高声谈笑了好几个小时。They have cackled on for hours.

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我们围炉而坐,谈笑着。We sat around the fire, talking and laughing.

血影刀光谈笑间,匹马西风人憔悴。Blood knife light shadow talk, horse westerly winds.

我们试图以谈笑的方式使女孩忘掉那起小事故。We tried to laugh the girl out of that slight accident.

在我们边走边谈笑间,我一直在留意时钟滴答滴答的脚步声。As we talked and laughed, I was aware of the clock ticking away.

总之家家灯火辉煌,人们谈笑风声,颇是热闹。Anyhow, people laughing every glittering moaned, quite is lively.

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与我谈笑的是博学的人,往来的没有不懂学问的人。And I talk is learned, not understand the knowledge of the people.

连近旁谈笑的年轻人也贡献出了悦耳之声。Even the too-near table of boisterous boys contributes to its euphony.

在那里,食客们谈笑的话题甚至对世界的金融规则也有影响。The topics of these eaters even influence the financial rules of world.

在大家的顾盼谈笑中,我却总感觉到些许的失落。In everyone look around talk smile, but I always feel arrive lose just some little.

而在包房吃饭时,谢霆锋情绪不错,谈笑自如。While in private dinner, Nicholas Tse in good spirits, breath easy and talk straight.

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那些个白净净的日子,朝夕谈笑间红尘万丈,无论出尘入尘皆已禅心入骨了。Those white net days, just laughing with red dust into the dust, no matter is the Zen.

如果没有像你这样的猎头,很多机会就在谈笑间溜走了。Without recruiters like you, lots of great opportunities would fall through the cracks.

一个个谈笑着的人擦肩而过,拂面而来的风让他愈发的难受。A laughing and talking, people pass by, cool and the wind made him increasingly uncomfortable.

第四次我们在谈笑间,骤然,他仰上身,为我仔细天解歹集合的鞋带。The forth time we met and chatted pleasantly, he squatted suddenly and helped me tie the shoelaces.

酒店更有为成功人士专属打造的商务会所,让您于谈笑间成就不凡。Also we provide the business center for the success , creating extraordinary achievements through talking and laughing.

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同样,他们也更有侵略性,对于谈笑其他人的种种也是乐此不彼。They are also freer to be more aggressive and a lot of what is funny is making jokes at someone else's expense, " she said.

沃克回忆说,“我进入她的专车拍摄时,她在和她的幕僚长谈笑,正在兴头上。“I got in her limousine, and she was talking to her then chief of staff, laughing and having the best time, ” Walker recalls.

彼佳刚到广场上,整个克里姆林宫的钟声和人们欢快地谈笑声就清清楚楚地传进耳朵里。As soon as Petya got into the square, he heard the ringing of bells and the joyous hum of the crowd filling the whole Kremlin.