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全球钻石巨擘戴比尔斯'封矿'。De Beers mothballs mines as diamond sales slide.

制药和工程巨擘也公布良好的业绩.Drugs and engineering giants gave good readouts too.

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如今这四家都被航空业巨擘波音合并掉了。Now all four companies have merged into aerospace titan Boeing.

但是它们也很难同本行业内的巨擘竞争。But these have largely struggled against the industry’s behemoths.

他是推理小说家的巨擘,即使在今天,他作品的光芒仍未褪色。He's the best, and his writing is just as relevant today as it was when it was written.

它错过了成为PC巨擘的时机,因为它的系统过于封闭。It missed out on becoming the 800-pound PC gorilla because its systems were too closed.

网络巨擘MSN上月表示,10个英国青少年中有一人是网络霸凌的受害者。Last month, computer giant MSN said one in 10 British teenagers was a victim of "cyber-bullying".

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巨擘律师事务所系经江苏省司法厅批准成立。Julb Law Office is established through the sanction of judicature authorization of Jiangsu Province.

浏览当地的广告,我得知一个金融巨擘正在寻找更多的股票经纪人。After scanning local advertisements, I learned a financial giant was looking to hire more stockbrokers.

加快杭州湾跨海大桥建设,正是再创改革开放新局面的巨擘手笔。Speeding up the construction of the Bridge is a great action of recreating new phase of opening-up and reform.

通过多年创新实践,因业绩辉煌而成为同行业的巨擘,有口皆碑!Through years of innovation practice, due to become a brilliant performance with the industry giant, legendary!

分析师说,如果出现其他竞争对手,那么这家墨尔本的矿业巨擘就必须加大赌注了。Analysts say that if a counterbid emerges, the Melbourne-based mining giant has the firepower to raise the ante.

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无论是政坛领袖还是商业巨擘,也都纷纷表示他们受过这位著名的革新者的鼓舞。Global leaders from politics and business spoke out about how they had been inspired by the celebrated innovator.

而委员会周五将针对房贷业巨擘房利美的高管及监管机构进行听证.On Friday, the commission will hear from former executives and regulators of housing finance giant Fannie Mae FNM.N.

这正是网络巨擘谷歌今天为庆祝日本吃豆人游戏发行30周年而设计的。That's exactly what web giant Google has today, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man's Japanese release.

勒梅森是小发明人中的巨擘,拥有550项以上的专利,成就紧追在爱迪生之后。A hero among small inventors, Lemelson garnered more than 550 patents, a number that puts him close behind Thomas Edison.

这家一直与方方正正的乏味机型联系在一起的得克萨斯个人电脑巨擘已经开始重视工业设计。The Texas personal-computer behemoth, long associated with boxy, boring machines, has started emphasizing industrial design.

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自一月份以来这个搜索巨擘的股票已经跌了21个百分点,在利润来源多样化方面也做得差强人意。The search giant's stock is down 21 percent since January and efforts to diversify its revenues have been less than satisfying.

瘦肉精丑闻引起全国关注,亦令全国对此巨擘痛失所望。The Clenbuterol pork meat scandal has caused consumers all over China to express concern and disappointment in the processor giant.

Knewton非但没有卖掉公司,反而与原本可能是公司潜在收购者的教育行业巨擘达成了合作协议。Instead of selling itself, Knewton has entered into an agreement with the industry giant, which might otherwise have been an acquirer.