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那是在推动它。That is pushing it.

甚至有可能会推动改革创新。It may even promote it.

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水推动着水车来回转。Water moves the waterwheel.

这是国家推动的一项措施。It’s a state-driven measure.

所以,这就推动了票价上涨。so this pushes the price up.

石油价格推动玉米价格。Oil prices drive corn prices.

是什么激发推动你创业呢?What inspires and drives you?

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企业推动软件移动化趋势Enterprise Drives Mobile Growth

涡轮喷气发动机推动的飞机。An airplane with such an engine.

“我已经下定决心了,”林肯回答说,“必须这么做,我要推动这份宣言的落实,要摆脱困境别无他途。It must be done. I am driven to it.

他们推动这个国家向前发展。And they moved this country forward.

我们能够推动清洁能源的发展吗?Can we catalyze clean energy growth?

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中国是否没有在这里推动轮胎?Is China not pushing its tires here?

推动这种变化的社会变迁Social changes the drivers for change

推动了测试优先开发。Test-first development is motivating.

张思之一直在推动司法改革。Zhang keeps pushing for legal reform.

汽油引擎推动汽船。A gasoline engine drives the motorboat.

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这艘船是以核子动力来推动的。The ship is propelled by nuclear power.

但如何才能创造品牌的推动效果呢?But how to create these brand promoters?

这种病毒推动了新型疾病的演变。It drives the evolution of new diseases.