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我用钳子工作。I work with plier.

醉海蟹钳子。Drunk the sea crab pincers.

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我有一些钳子在那。I have some pliers in there.

把下颌磨牙钳子拿来。Give me the lower molar forceps.

剪刀和钳子就是例子。Scissors and pliers are examples.

不许把钳子打在钻杆上转。Do not let tongs ride the drill pipe.

他倒还认得我,挥一挥钳子。He recognized me and waved a forceps.

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螃蟹有两个又大又锋利的钳子。Crabs have two sharp and large pincers.

钳子,夹子敲弯用的某物,如。Something, such as a clamp, that clinches.

筷子应当充当钳子而非利剑。Chopsticks should be treated like tongs not swords!

钳子和旧敷料放在污敷料袋内。Dispose forceps and soiled dressing in a plastic bag.

一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接下来了。In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps.

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地毯上放着一个工具箱,一把钳子和一把锤子。A tool box, a pair of tongs and a hammer lie on carpet.

其他种类的螳螂虾则是用尖矛状钳子刺穿猎物。The other kind stab their prey with a spikey-tipped arm.

他的外科手术器械是一把刀和一把钳子。His surgical instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers.

他用拨火棍和钳子用力通火,直到火旺起来。He attacked the fire with poker and tongs until it blazed up.

如果你想吃核桃,钳子会帮助你打开它坚硬的外壳。If you want to shell a walnut, it helps to have a nutcracker.

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确保大钳平衡配重和钳子相匹配。Ensure that the counter-weights are in balance with the tongs.

我拿出钳子和手电筒,爬到了车底下。I got out my pliers and torch and crawled under the ambulance.

然后术者用手术刀或激光或是特殊的钳子将痔切除。The haemorrhoids are removed using a scalpel, laser or staple gun.