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我们发现丰富的矿脉突然增大了。We discovered the rich lode bellied out.

极薄矿脉赋存条件复杂。Store conditions of extra narrow veins are complex.

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我们的肾型矿脉依赖水来正常工作。The kidneys depend on water to operate efficiently.

让我们沿着这一矿脉再向前掘进一点吧!Let us dig a little farther in the direction of this vein!

石门,横巷矿井内掘出的平巷,它与矿脉相交。A level in a mine driven so that it intersects a vein of ore.

矿脉在固体结岩中用于填充裂缝的金属矿床。The metalliferous ore that fills a fissure in a rock formation.

它是前苏联第一处也是最大的钻石矿脉。It was the first, and one of the largest, diamond Pipes in the USSR.

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不同构造中的金矿脉是不同期成矿作用的产物。Haixi and Yanshan periods are important time for mineralization of gold.

其中一种生活在五英里深的南非黄金矿脉里。One type lives five miles deep in the bowels of South African gold mines.

它使中国听上去就像个全球利润矿脉,媒体就经常这样报道中国。It makes China sound like the global profit lode it is so often reported to be.

在对矿石进行分析后才知道,原来他们找到的是一个非常富的矿脉。When they assay the ore , they found that they had discovered a very rich vein.

你知不知道每天有多达200升的水通过你的肾形矿脉?Did you know that up to 200 litres of water is passed through your kidneys daily?

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因此发现了收获赞美诗,在礼拜式的古卷小片上,是一个虚拟的母亲矿脉。So the harvest hymn find, on a scrap of liturgical scroll, was a virtual mother lode.

若以矿脉走向,又可分为高山、旗山、月洋三系。If veins direction can be divided into the mountains Qishan, on the Department of Yozo.

矿脉数量多,规模大小不一,多呈雁列式平行展布于次级断裂的南侧。Many small ore veins are distributed in echelon form in the south side of secondary fault.

剩下的尼古丁是通过你的肾形矿脉从血液中过滤并排泄到尿中。The remaining nicotine is filtered from the blood by your kidneys and excreted in the urine.

矿脉与围岩界线清楚,矿体厚度变化较大。The Boundary of vein and surrounding rock is clear. The thickness of orebodies changes a lot.

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存在水冰的地方都存在着一个月球氢勘探的矿脉。Where you have water ice, you have a potential mother lode for lunar prospecting of hydrogen.

目前至少有3350个活动的采矿队正在这一地区寻找重金属矿脉。At least 3,350 active mining claims exist for all types of hard-rock exploration within the area.

目前至少有3350个活动的采矿队正在这一地区寻找重金属矿脉。At least 3, 350 active mining claims exist for all types of hard-rock exploration within the area.