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魔力将与奴才和佣工发现工作吗?Will Magic Find work with Minions and Hirelings?

佣工是否需要有照顾卧床病患者经验?。Helper needs to have experience in bed-ridden care?

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丹尼尔作为契约佣工来到马里兰州。Daniel arrived in Maryland as an indentured servant.

旅客和佣工不得参加。The stranger and the hireling shall not eat thereof.

增加魔力发现到佣工增加魔力甚至更发现。Add Magic Find to Hirelings to increase Magic Find even more.

他的父亲,也就是我的爷爷,是一位为别人做饭的家庭佣工。His father—my grandfather—was a cook, a domestic servant to the British.

香港菲律宾外佣工会副主席维拉努艾瓦淡化了人们对于种族紧张局势的担忧。Eman Villanueva, vice chairman of the Filipino Migrant Workers' Union, downplayed those concerns.

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在叙利亚,妇女被贩卖到南亚和东南亚,并被强迫成为家庭佣工。In Syria, women are trafficked from South and Southeast Asia and are forced to work as domestic servants.

那些贫困潦倒的农民或成为无业流民,或流往城市,或为他人佣工。Impoverished farmers who become unemployed or displaced persons, or flow into the city, or helpers for others.

一些家境贫困的孩子被自己的父母作为契约佣工卖给海地的富人。Some poor parents sell the children to affluent Haitians as indentured servants, or restaveks—from rester avec.

在马来西亚,劳工仲介人对女佣工受到迫害待遇的控诉和返家的祈求也充耳不闻。In Malaysia, labor agents turn a deaf ear to women’s complaints about abusive treatment and pleas to return home.

这不数与佣工可能的最大值但是当佣工做时,你仅仅收到那奖金一杀死。This does not count the maximum possible with Hirelings but you only receive that bonus when Hirelings make a kill.

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一名菲籍家庭佣工因为偷取雇主三张私人相片和一封信而被判入狱六个月,她最近获得保释进行上诉。A Filipino maid jailed for six months for stealing three personal photos and a letter was bailed to launch an appeal.

直接就业服务中心允许雇用外籍家庭佣工不通过劳动力经纪人。A Direct Employment Service Center allows the rehiring of foreign domestic workers without going through labor brokers.

但是,缫丝行业要求分工细致,操作灵活,企业在选用佣工时,往往侧重于女性。But, reeling profession request division of labor careful, the operation is nimble, the enterprise often stresses on the female.

1990年代,我们早期的工作重点为性别平等,以及为少数族裔、外籍佣工和残障人士争取权益。Earlier, in the 1990s, we focused on gender equity and rights for ethnic minorities, migrant workers and for people with disabilities.

若投保人为超过一名家庭佣工投保,您所选择的保障计划将分别适用于受保的家庭佣工。If there are more than one domestic helpers to be insured, the selected coverage will apply to the insured domestic helpers respectively.

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湖南、福建是著名的产茶区,在湖南巴陵县的农业生产中“十分其力,而佣工居其五”7。Hunan, Fujian is the famous tea district, Baling County in Hunan agricultural production "is its strength, and their five home helpers" 7.

届时外佣若得不到类如本地「留宿家庭佣工」一体待遇,当局岂非坐实了种族歧视的指控?If FDHs are denied what local maternity helpers are entitled to, will accusations of the authorities' racial discrimination not be established?

马来西亚大部分保护劳工的法律并没把家务佣工包括在内,而印尼政府也还未设有任何特定的法律来保护迁移劳工。Malaysia’s laws exclude domestic workers from most labor protections and Indonesia does not yet have any specific laws protecting migrant workers.