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我对此一点也不感到惋惜。I feel no sorry for it at all.

你的确犯不着为他感到惋惜!He is no object of regret, indeed!

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因此,超过悔改惋惜。So repentance is more than feeling sorry.

因为我为哈佛的学生感到惋惜。because I feel just really sorry for them.

我真为失掉那块金表惋惜。I really mourn the loss of that gold watch.

“我有点替他感到惋惜,”拉杰夫说。“I kind of felt sorry for him,” Rajeev said.

他的这种惋惜在非洲大陆也有回响。His regret is echoed on the African continent.

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也许,在很多地方,秋会引起人们的惋惜之情。Which might be a cause for regret in many places.

中国球迷表达了对姚明退役的惋惜。Chinese fans were vocal in lamenting Yao's departure.

温柔,爱怜,惋惜,他顿了顿继续说道。Tenderness, pity, regret, as after a pause he proceeded.

臼井的突然去世让全世界的粉丝们悲痛惋惜。Fans across the world are mourning Usui`s untimely death.

这本书有些部分让人发笑,但有些部分也让我为之惋惜。Some parts are comical but in others, I feel sorry for him.

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惋惜不少展商由于慢半拍失之交臂。Sorry a lot of exhibitors due to slow by half a beat missed.

波旁家族带去了尊敬的心,却没有带走惋惜的心。The Bourbons carried away with them respect, but not regret.

经理宣布了他的辞职,大家都感到惋惜。The manager announced his resignation and everybody mourned.

或许我该为它们感到惋惜,或许它们永远不会印行出版。Perhaps I will regret them. Perhaps they will never see print.

我很惋惜地报告大众他的父亲上月因车祸而正逝世了。Sorry to say that his father died from an accident last month.

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“我得到的典型反应是同情和惋惜,”她说。"The typical reaction I get is of dismay and pity," she noted.

我确实认为如果我们不接受他的劝告,这是很可惋惜的。I really think it would be a pit. y if we didn't take his advice.

惋惜的是,对于一般的孩子来说,种族成为主要的辨认特征。Crucially, for half the children, race was one of the key dimensions.