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那么一名称职的解说员应当具备哪些条件呢?What makes a good commentator?

他是一个十分称职的教师。He is a highly competent teacher.

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她至多是个称职的打字员。At best she is an adequate typist.

天呢,真是位称职的蓝颜知己啊。Oh boy, that's a true blue friend.

我是个不称职的,不近人情的母亲。An incompetent monster of a mother.

同他相比,他是一个更为称职的教师。She is an abler teacher than he is.

该雇员被认为不称职而遭辞退。The employee was dismissed as incompetent.

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真是称职的警卫员。My two bunnies were really qualified guard.

我一向以身为一名称职的教师师而自豪。I HAs long prided myself on be a good teacIT.

在学校又如何做一个称职的校长?What makes a good headmaster at a local school?

这位青年干部非常称职。He is quite modest though he be a leading cadre.

我一向以身为一名称职的老师师而自豪。I have long prided myself on being a good teacher.

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要找到一个人称职的员工需要6个月。It would takes six months to find the right person.

这使得你的老板看起来像个不称职的懒虫。It makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker.

难道我不称职吗?不,不,我不能说我不能够看见他们织的布料。No, no, I cannot say that Iwas unable to see the cloth.

为一个不称职的老板工作,可能对健康不利。Working for an incompetent boss can be bad for your health.

那份工作对我而言既不困难亦不沉重,以是我想我还满称职的。The work was not difficult nor heavy to me and Iguess Idid well.

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即便如此,阿富汗政府军还是靠不住而又不称职的。Even so, Afghan government forces are unreliable and incompetent.

她是非常称职的姐姐,是乖女儿和好姨妈。She was a wonderful sister, a wonderful daughter, wonderful aunt.

他曾经是埃里克松不称职的受害者,但他能为新教练带来很多。There are also several you can't, notably ineptitude and bad luck.