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商议如何攻打团城。How TuanCheng counsel against.

我将和我的朋友们商议。I shall advise with my friends.

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我要去和我的顾问商议。I'llgo and talk with my adviser.

我们要和他们商议那件事。We'll arrange with them about that.

我将和他商议这件事。I'll confer with him on the subject.

经过一些商议探讨。A fair amount of debate and discussion.

我正会见魏先生商议这个项目。I was meeting Mr. Wei about this account.

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我们没在与微软进行商议。We are not in discussions with Microsoft.

协议条款可以商议。The terms of the agreement are negotiable.

我希望你们对这些问题进行商议。I hope you will deliberate on these issues.

他们能商议调解他们之间的分歧。They were able to concert their difference.

我正会见魏先生商议这个项目。I was meeting with Mr Wei about this account.

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他们闭门秘密商议呢。They are in the closed door to hugger-mugger.

我们必须和他们详细商议这项具体安排。We must talk over the arrangements with them.

他急忙召唤他的下级去他的办公室商议。He summoned his subordinates hastily to his office.

陪审团今天将退庭商议裁决结果。The jury will retire to consider its verdict today.

中国工厂起定量鸟图案悬锤产品的起定量可商议。This is a well carved netsuke that features a bird.

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一个特别的中国旅游团将于本月下旬赴美国商议以赎回价购买美国的房产。Chinese house hunters tour U.S. in search of sweet deal

传输控制协议为数据在主人之间的移动商议期间。TCP negotiates a session for data transfer between hosts.

宣祖连夜召集众臣商议。Night after night XuanZu summoned the minister to discuss.