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你可买了一辆次等货色了。You’re really bought a lemon.

没人想要次等的东西。Nobody wants an inferior thing.

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为什么要安心于次等的生活?Why settle for a second-grade life?

而是在某种程度上成为了次等的东西、不再和大家平等,不再值得被保护。It's somehow sub-par, not equivalent, not worthy of protection.

中国文化把所有的其他人种视为有待剥削的次等民族。Chinese culture sees all non-Chinese as sub-human, to be exploited.

阐释、评判、欣赏都是次等头脑所干的事情。Exposition, criticism, appreciation, is work for second-rate minds.

这种怒火来自被当作次等人的怨恨。This fury is born of resentment at having been treated as inferiors.

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滑铁卢是一场头等战争,却被一个次等的将领胜了去。Waterloo is a battle of the first order, won by a captain of the second.

他们认为原住民属于次等人,随时都可以座位便宜劳动力使用。They are perceived by many as sub-human and ready to exploit as cheap labor.

在3C壳件方面,板件液压成形可以生产外形复杂的曲面,减少成形道次等。It can produce the complex shapes of 3C cases, and reduce the forming processes.

次等的可用性顾问通过与众不同来吸引众人的关注Second-tier usability consultants who try to attract attention by being different.

斯拉夫人,吉普赛人以及其他被纳粹视为次等民族也被杀数百万。Slavs, Gypsies and what the Nazis saw as other sub-species also were killed in millions.

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在这个竞争尤为激烈的国家,没有父母甘心让自己的孩子成为次等生。In this ultra-competitive country, no parent wants their child to be seen as a B student.

潜藏于次等地位中的歧视无疑对同性恋者极为不利。The discrimination inherent in that second-class status is harmful to gay men and lesbians.

如果我邻居种植的是次等玉米,交叉授粉将会逐渐降低我的玉米的品质。If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn.

在北朝鲜这个人间天堂里,残疾人——甚至是是矮子——也被视为次等公民。In the people’s paradise that is North Korea, disabled – even short – people are considered subhuman.

那些附在货品上,写着「稍微不合规格」的小标签,是一个表示这些是次等货色的婉转说法。Watch for little tags that say, "Slightly irregular. " It's a nice way of saying these are damaged goods.

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而是在某种程度上成为了次等的东西、不再和大家平等,不再值得被保护。It's no longer legal. It's somehow sub -par , not equivalent, not worthy of protection. And you know what?

你知不知道,人造奶油是原来用来肥育供屠宰动物的次等黄油?Did you know that margarine is inferior butter which was originally used to fatten up animals for slaughter?

从生物多样性的角度来看,更多的是从吸收碳排放的角度来看,他们最多只是次等的替代品。In terms of biodiversity, though, and often of carbon storage as well, they are at best inferior replacements.