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他走的是一条从为个人咏叹到为人民呼号的道路。It was a road from singing for himself to crying out for people.

月和剑两个意象统一于作者反复咏叹的秋的意象上。The images of moon and sword were unified in the image of autumn.

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合不上双眼。呼吸沉重。想象。自嘲。咏叹。Cannot close both eyes. Breathes heavily. Imagination. Self-ridiculing. Singing.

优美的抒情与凄苦的咏叹构成了永远的“交响”。Elegant emotional expression and miserable chants constitute "everlasting symphony".

这表现在他的小说里的基调就是一种为逝去的日子而咏叹的感伤。This is reflected in the tone of his novels is a chant for the passing of time and the sentimental.

这些诗或直接咏叹牡丹的形貌之美,或借花抒怀,托物寓意。These poems, or the appearance of a direct chant the beauty of peony, or by flowers and poetry, care material implication.

这种奇景,古时候看到过的文人墨客,往往忍不住要高声咏叹。This kind of marvelous sight, ancient time looked has been to the writer literati, often cannot bear wants loud to chant sighs.

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生命意识则体现于走向西部自然与咏叹生命、在生命与死亡之间对话等相关层面上。The life consciousness is mainly embodied by staying in the western nature and singing life, the conversation between life and death.

中国文学潮流遭遇了急变,白话叙事替代文言咏叹。The trend of Chinese literature experienced a sudden change. Narrating in colloquial language replaced chanting in classical Chinese.

其风格与前期相比,由青春浪漫转入中年人的沉稳,冷静的人生世相描写代替了奔放的抒情咏叹。Compared with the style of the youth, middleaged person composed romantic turn, calm life instead of a description of common expression analysis.

词人也时而直接咏叹、褒贬时事,有意识地表现出以词“存史”的写实精神。Liu Chenweng were also sometimes to chant, appraise and demote current events directly, show his spirit of realism to keep history by writing words.

刁斗作品中的主人公都是当代的精神漂泊者,漂泊与流浪是其小说反复咏叹的主题。Protagonist who in DIAO Dou′s works are all contemporaries spirit person who drift, it is a theme that his novels sang repeatedly to drift and roam about.

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宋代诗人陆游常常游历的沈园也正在此地,还有历来不少诗人骚客对绍兴的咏叹。Song poet Lu You makes reference to a Shen Yuan Garden, also located there, and poets of many different eras in Chinese history have sung the praises of Shaoxing in verse.

同时以大量咏叹调和咏叙调对男主人公内心冲突做了浓墨重彩的描写,多角度、多侧面、立体的、全方位的对歌剧主人公进行塑造。At the same time with plenty of arias andariosos put on the description of hero's insight conflict, the opera hero was moulded from many-angles, many-sides and all-directions.