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我的好魏公,来看看我的新仕女,小妮。My old Wei Gong, Come and meet my new maid, Xiao Ni.

织,仕女打着伞儿漫步雨中。Knit, the women beat the umbrella son stroll rain in.

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织,仕女打着伞儿漫步雨中。Knit, the women blow the umbrella son stroll rain in.

人物画中的另一个领域是仕女画。The painting of beautiful women was another field of portraiture.

而仕女的坐姿又和背景的青瓷花瓶的形态互相呼应。The elegant posture of the lady echoes the form of Chinese blue and white ceramics.

唐代是中国传统仕女画的黄金时期。Tang Dynasty is a Golden Age of the traditional Chinese Painting of beautiful women.

明代仕女画是一个很重要但又缺乏整体研究的领域。Ladies draw in the Ming Dynasty is a very important but the lack of an overall study area.

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有五颜六色的宫廷小丑和身著长礼服、戴著眼具的贵族仕女。There are colorful court jesters and aristocratic ladies wearing long gowns and eye masks.

在25人英雄模式的加拉克瑟斯领主的战斗中,痛苦仕女现在将会更加精确地选定目标。The Mistress of Pain will now target more accurately in the 25 man Heroic Jaraxxus encounter.

如果真是这样,则壁画中仕女“如唐代仕女画翻版”,也就不足为怪了。If so, then the mural in the ladies "If the copy of the Tang Dynasty Paintings, " not surprising.

是目前全世界范围内唯一认定的唐代仕女画传世孤本。Is currently the only recognized worldwide tang handed down only existing copy of seeing painting.

仕女画经历了漫长的历史阶段而逐步发展和完善。The painting of noble woman experienced an endless history stage but develop gradually with perfect.

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他们是贵族女性风俗画的先驱,对后世仕女画创作产生了重大影响。As forerunners of secular lady paintings, they had a big influence on later paintings of court ladies.

从唐代仕女妆容对后世朝代的影响,能看出其作为中国传统艺术形式和一种典型女性妆面的重要性。Finally, this thesis summarizes the symbolized significance of face make-up for court lady in Tang Dynasty.

在唐代,仕女画是作为一个专门的画科而出现的。However, in the Tang Dynasty, the paintings of beautiful women appeared as an independent type of painting.

王后的三位仕女坐在一起,由侍女和十几个钦慕她们的黑衣兄弟服侍着。Three of the queen's ladies sat together, attended by their serving maids and a dozen admiring men of the Night's Watch.

端庄的黑色上衣、整齐的棕色曲发、祥和的眼神,传达了仕女的秀丽端详的内涵。The modest black coat, the tidy brown curls and the peaceful eyesight compose the real meaning of what we call as a "lady".

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这是我个人疏忽,后来我看报纸才知道歌红女士的作品是仕女画。This is my personal negligence, afterwards I read the work that the newspaper just know a song red lady is a painting of lady.

马丁看得如此认真专注,五百个衣着时髦的仕女名媛也都转过头往看他在看什么。Five hundred fashionably gowned women turned their heads, so intent and steadfast was Martin's gaze, to see what he was seeing.

每尊仕女人均配以各种小道具如小伞、小手鼓、小桌小凳等,其手工技艺均极其精湛。They are appreciative and artistic. Each moppet is accessorized by different decorations, such as the umbrella, drum and stool.