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不过她也有谨小慎微的一面。But she can be cautious, too.

当然,并非所有的富人在投资时都谨小慎微。Not all the rich are playing it safe, of course.

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中国的政策制定者们是一群谨小慎微的人。CHINA’S policymakers are a wary and watchful bunch.

谨小慎微是平庸无能者所追求的一位富有而又丑陋的老处女。Prudence is a rich, ugly, old maid courted by Incapacity.

经他这么一说,大家都变得谨小慎微了。After listening to what he said, everyone became overcautious.

只有他们才会谨小慎微,保持着一种职业的冷漠态度。Only they are scrupulous about maintaining a professional aloofness.

变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放开手脚。Become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely.

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日本人的谨小慎微从未象在这些奥运会仪式中表现得那么明显。Japanese meticulousness was never more evident than in these special rites.

古莱先生是那种谨小慎微的人物,既无真挚的情感,又无男性的冲动。Mr. Gryce was of the chary type, most inaccessible to impulses and emotions.

因此,我们应到谨小慎微,在进行大规模的改革之前,研究不同的方法。So we should tread carefully, and study different approaches before making broad changes.

鉴于此,作者的谨小慎微与其说一种文体风格的选择,不如说是一种道德上的抉择。In light of them, her famous circumspection looks less like a stylistic than a moral choice.

和奥巴马政府其他政策的特点一样,这一政策谨小慎微,并仰赖各方达成共识。Like other trademark Obama-administration policies, it is cautious and reliant on consensus.

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现今越来越多的企业在新车定价方面谨小慎微,战战兢兢。More and more enterprises are nowadays overcautious in the new car fixed price aspect, gingerly.

处女座是谨小慎微的星座,他们的生活非常系统和有规律。Virgos are naturally meticulous planners. They have a very systematic and organized way of life.

与许多华尔街人士相比,美联储更加谨小慎微,同时也更加乐观。The central bankers are simultaneously more cautious and more optimistic than many on Wall Street.

对拉登有利的另外一点就是他身后的追兵时常不能集中精力,而且谨小慎微。Bin Laden has been helped by the fact that his pursuers have frequently been distracted and cautious.

参议员们既然是一批谨小慎微的人,我们怎么能指望他们提出关于城镇规划的大胆措施呢?How can we expect an bold measures of town-planning, when she Councillors are just a lot of old women?

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事实上,正是因为他的谨小慎微,他的研究工作得不到任何进展。In fact, it is his meticulousness that is preventing him from making any progress in his research work.

撇开派勒克的回报,投资“两房”并不适合规避风险者或谨小慎微者。Pilecki's returns aside, investing in Fannie and Freddie is not for the risk averse or the faint of heart.

难道这种谨小慎微的努力结果也够得上宇宙理论的美名吗?Does the product of such a modest effort deserve to be called by the proud name of a theory of the universe?