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把你的屋子摒挡摒挡。Clea up your room.

屋子里都翻了天。The room is a hell".

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屋子里寂静无声。The house was silent.

屋子宽绰。The room is spacious.

屋子里乱糟糟的。The room is in a mess.

屋子里面暖洋洋的。It's warm in the house.

我们把屋子拾掇一下。Let's tidy up the room.

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屋子乱得一塌糊涂。The room was in a mess.

这个屋子坐北朝南。This house faces south.

她仪态万方地走进屋子。She sailed into the room.

那间屋子里满是破烂儿。The room is full of junk.

这屋子很豁亮。The room is well lighted.

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他环视了一下屋子。He glanced round the room.

他把一间屋子租给一对夫妇。He let a room to a couple.

布鲁托住在这座屋子里。Pluto lives—in this house.

走到哪儿脚下都是满地的纸屑,天啊,还有水果皮,难道屋子从来都不扫吗!?The rooms are never swept!

在家的时候,我呆在我的屋子里。At home, I stay in my room.

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男孩把自己的屋子弄脏了。The boy mussed up his room.

这间屋子流露出快乐。The room effuses happiness.

满屋子都是烟。The room was full of smoke.