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我这位室友是个非常猥琐的人。This roomate was a very lewd man.

相反,我知道我很穷、很丑、很猥琐。Far from it. I know I'm poor, damned and ugly.

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你以为我们可以在这猥琐的世界上做正派人。You thought we could be decent men in an indecent world.

庞茨的确一个由猥琐的空想家和一流的骗子组成的混合体。Ponzi was indeed a strange amalgam of petty visionary and big-time crook.

在那样一个寒冷的夜晚,我把我的同胞想到那么猥琐。On a frigid, cold night, no less, I assumed the worst of a fellow human being.

长约三英尺的他们被猥琐的成为“带推进器的装满的庭院”。Almost three feet long, they're salaciously called a 'full yard with a strap-on'.

在现实中就是一个极其猥琐,自闭,极端的一类人。In the reality is one dreadful extremely, self-closing, a violent kind of person.

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五短身材,相貌猥琐,唯其双目炯炯,夜内如探照灯者。Short stature made him easy, trivial, its bright eyes, such as those in the night.

那猥琐的嘴脸,贪婪的看着被他手下压着得女子。That is trivial looks penurious of looking at be pressed by his under dictate woman.

我们有很多法子能叫咱正大光明毫不猥琐的碰一个女孩。Break the touch barrier. There are several ways to touch a girl without being sleazy.

有些人很粗鲁,不礼貌或者猥琐,我会把他们拉黑。Sometimes I also pull some people into blacklist if they are rude, impolite or sordid.

你可曾见过一个可能非常有吸引力但举止猥琐的人?Have you ever seen a potentially very attractive person, but they have terrible posture?

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猥琐的男人看着恋雯来了,就转身和恋雯调情起来。The trivial man seeing at to love Wen to came, turn round and love Wen flirtation to get up.

另外一些人争辩道个人界限纯粹是自私的表现,是猥琐之徒或心胸狭窄的妇人的象征。But others will say boundaries are essentially selfish, the sign of a petty man, a small hearted woman.

猥琐下流,发表性别歧视的言论,调戏你的朋友,奶奶,老板等行为。Double entendres, sexist comments, flirting with your friends, your granny, your boss – and the list goes on.

许多人都有过狮子般的雄心,随着时间的推移,他们中的大多数人却像老鼠一样猥猥琐琐地活着。Many people once had lion's heart. However, as year rolls on, most of them lived a normal life like coward mouse.

我叫来校警,他对我的身材猥琐地评价了一番然后问我要不要一起去吃晚饭。He responded to the crisis by making lewd comments about my figure and repeatedly asking me out for dinner and drinks.

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谁能想到,如今那猥琐之极的陈瞎子在当年,居然就是卸岭力士的盗魁?Who can think, now that wretched the ministers in that year, unexpectedly blind Chen, of course, is unloading ridge lux pq?

“猥琐鹤”不仅长出了传统纸鹤压根没有的两只脚,还被折出了各种搞笑的和恶作剧的姿势。Not only do they have two feet, which the original ones don’t possess, but they are presented in funny and mischievous poses.

同时,教育部还建议学生拒绝使用攻击性或猥琐性语言,慎交网友。The students were also advised not to use offensive and obscene language and to be careful about making friends on the Internet.